I had the same problem as you and was also treated, however, my problems worsened a couple of months later. I ended up with two weeks of heavy bleeding that didn't stop until the doctor prescribed special pills to stop the bleeding. It's not known if the heavy bleeding was caused from having my tubes tied, a fibroid tumor, pre-menopause, or some other source. I strongly suspect it was from having my tubes tied and as a result, I regret it. Since I didn't want to have a hysterectomy, I ended up taking the pill (defeating the purpose of having my tubes tied)and will stay on them until I reach menopause (which will be difficult to tell while on the pill). While I didn't endure any cramping in the past, the heavy and prolonged bleeding was an awful experience that I don't ever want to repeat again. By the way, the heavy and prolonged bleeding didn't begin right after being sterilized, but started about 2 or 3 years later.