Highline CC has a 2 yr RN program, but.... you will have to take several pre-req classes and then apply for the program. The sad part of this story is that there are so few seats for all the applicants. That doesn't mean you don't go to school and get the pre-reqs done, but realize that it may take awhile to realize your dream. Bellevue CC also has a 2 yr RN program, again, the number of seats are inadequate for all who want to attend. You can try the LPN approach, where you go to a technical college, like Renton Technical, take the pre-reqs and apply for the 1 yr LPN program, and then there is a transitional program from LPN to RN that many are using. Seriously, go to Highline CC and talk to a counselor to get all the information. You'll need to take some tests so they can place you in the appropriate math and English classes and then register for your fall quarter classes. You may qualify for some tuition aid, as tuition is apt to be in the neighborhood of $1100 a qtr, plus books and fees. I know there is on campus childcare at BCC and would venture a guess that such a program exists at HCC. I hope things work out for you and yours. L&D nurses are great people and make the difference for so many new families.