First off, get a new doctor. It could be a medical problem and if they are not going to take you seriously, then find someone new. You should never ever leave your doctor's office feeling humiliated. Secondly, relax. Sometimes just giving him attention that isnt necessarily sex is a way to let him know that you still care for him, like a back massage. It also could be that you are more bored with it then not in the mood, so try some different things, like get some trivia cards and for every right answer, your husband has to do something to you that you enjoy, and vice versa. Nothing for wrong answers. Strip trivia is just as fun, but instead when you get the answer wrong, you have to remove an article of clothing. Be creative. There are many books out there too, like was meantioned that can give you other ideas. Buy him some silky boxers. Pity Valentines is over, they had lots of cute ones out, one year I bought mine some glow in the dark ones, which was fun. But the most important thing to remember is not to force YOURSELF into it. There are many many ways to be intimate without sex and it can be satifying to both of you. Dont feel guilty, because we all go thru it. Good Luck!