No, but O. good tactic to speed the "goodbye" is to ask what % of the money you pledge goes to administration.
What the fu!! Seriously! I get that there is nothing worse on earth than selling stuff on the phone but hanging up. I am polite to them! I may not buy their product but I am polite!! I have never hung up on them, I didn't even point out that I am on the no call list!!
Has anyone else been hung up on by a phone salesman?
I have half a mind to call them back but I have a lawn that is out of control!!
Guys I work right next to our collectors, I know the abuse they take and they have a right to call, ya know? I would never hang up on them, it is just rude, this one just kind of ruined it for the next guy. I am not mad, I know their job sucks, just kind of hoping one reads this and doesn't hang up on the next person. I don't think it is any better when we hang up on them either.
No, but O. good tactic to speed the "goodbye" is to ask what % of the money you pledge goes to administration.
OMG JessInTexas....I so kindly ask for their home number and tell them I would be happy to call back at 3am Pacific time. It takes them a moment but they get it!
I know exactly how you feel. One time, right in the middle of
I got hung up on by a salesman ... he wasn't soliciting the call, but he hung up on me none-the-less. I wouldn't give him my social security or drivers license number to get a quote for tv sattelite service and he got all pissed off. Guess why I didn't do business with them!
As for sales calls that come TO me .... I don't get them. But I always wanted to do the Jerry Seinfeld thing and ask "Well I'm kinda busy right now. How about you give me your home number and I'll call you back later.... Oh you don't want people to call you at home when you're busy with your personal life? Oh well now you know how I feel." and hang up. I know I didn't quote Seinfeld perfectly, but close enough. I've never said anything like that though.
I'm on the Do Not Call list and I get calls from companies that are violating the law.
I've reported them - filled out the complaint form at the Do Not Call site.
Robo calls are the worst.
These days I tell them I work from home and this is my business number - it's true.
That usually works to get me off their dialing list.
They hang up on me a lot. That's because I am on the do not call list. I'm there because I don't want these phone calls, so I start by asking them what company they're calling from and how did they did my phone number.
I had a creditor who kept calling our house looking for someone who I have never met/heard of/lived with before.
They called at the MOST inconvenient times, as though they had psychic power. Putting kids to bed? That's when they would call. Getting to sleep in for once? Not anymore, 'cause that's when they'd call. Dinner time? Of COURSE that's when they'd call.
Anyway, I'm a pretty friendly person the great majority of the time. Takes quite a lot before I'll put on my sassy pants and boxing gloves.
But I'd had it. I'd told them, no less than five times, that who they were looking for 1. didn't live here and 2. never had. Finally I said, look, you've got to stop calling, I'm tired of this.
Well I couldn't believe it. She started YELLING at me. No kidding. I asked to speak with her supervisor, and she hung up on me. Hah. I was speechless. Literally.
i have many times. when i get a robo-call saying 'press 1 to speak to an operator' i do, and tell them to take me off the list. more than 50% of the time they just hang up on me.
i had a meat salesman get ugly with me, telling me that i obviously didn't care about what my family eats. i called his boss but got no satisfaction, so i nailed 'em on angie's list.
at this point in the election year i'm ready to promise my vote to any candidate who outlaws election robo-calls.
okay, slight tangent there........
;) khairete
This is a bit off the topic, but long ago, when we lived in Iowa, we got a call for maintenance free siding... (which we didn't want, of course...)
Anyway, they asked, "Do you own your own home?" I replied.... well, the bank does.... (technically they do, since we were paying a mortgage)... and... they said, "Thank you very much." and hung up!
After I answer, I cut them off and say, I'm sorry, what's the name of this company? ABC company. And what was your name? John. "Well John at ABC Company, I have jotted down this information and the date and time you are calling and I'm letting you know I'm on the Do Not Call list. If you don't remove my number immediately and I get another call from you, I will be reporting your company. Thank you." Works like a charm. =)
I have been hung up on many times. I'm polite and tell them no, sometimes several times. Occasionally I will be explaining why when I hear the click.
I've gotten to where I just don't answer the phone if I see an invalid phone number or "no name" on my phone.
BTW, when I have called them back on the number listed on my phone I get the recording "This number has been disconnected or no longer in service". I figure if they aren't honest enough to give me a number to call them back on, they aren't honest enough to get my business.
Good luck to you and yours.
I think this is soooo funny.
My friend Val is one of those who will get an obscene call and turn it around on them until they get embarrassed and hang up to never call again....
For instance, this one guy called her and told her to go XXXXX herself with some item, she told him she had already tried that and it wasn't as fun as XXXXX, did he have some other ideas she might enjoy....it was just dead air for a minute or two then they hung up.
I don't remember ever being hung up on by a telemarketer, but I have put them on speakerphone sometimes so that they can hear the total chaos in the background and believe me when I say I'm too busy to talk. Otherwise, I am polite but firm. I admire their cause and wish them luck, but I do not donate money/ purchase anything over the phone/ accept a free trial/ make a decision in the next 30 seconds without talking to my husband/ answer political "surveys"- and have a nice day. If I have said no 3 times and they're still going, then I do hang up.
When I worked as a telemarketer, one project I hated was to call farmers during dinnertime and ask if they were interested in raising organic beef. Even worse was an assignment to call people who were hard of hearing and ask them if they'd like a free hearing test.....
Everyone who calls for donations immediately hangs up on me as soon as I say the words "not donating-" before I even finish my sentence. Many of these are calling because I've donated to them in the past, but all might be interested in the end of my sentence, "-over the phone, but mail me something and I'll decide". Lucky for the agencies, I don't base my donations on the politeness of their phone staff!
I've been hung up on by them. Makes me happy since it gets them off the phone faster.
Sounds as if some frustrated telemarketer took it out on you! Can you find a way to laugh at this?
Years ago, I was called by a large national arts organization for a contribution - and they expected a sizeable one. I tried to be friendly as I said no, the but the man got, well, grouchy. So I said, "Sorry I can't help you - have a nice day" - and he said, "I can't have a nice day with people like you around!"
I admit I was in shock for a while, but now I smile when I remember it. I even feel for the guy. I hope he switched to a different line of work.
I say very nicely, " Thank you but I'm not interested" click while they are talking. I'm also on the no call list and it should be reported to them but I never keep the number to do it. I may start doing it though. It's so annoying and especially when it's time to eat and they start in on selling. For some time I did the collecting for several organizations in my neighborhood, like March of Dimes, Am. Heart Assoc., etc., etc. When I told them no more they would not stop calling and I had to hang up on them in a nice way. That one really made me feel awful but I had told them no thank you, no thank you, etc. What to do?
If they know you aren't interested, then they have to hurry and move on to the next phone call.... otherwise they can be fired, screamed at...