I had a car accident Dec 28 and my son was due March 1st i was in labor with him from the day of the accident to Feb 25 when he was born many trips to the hospital and many meds to keep him in i took if i remember correctly the terburaline however it made me shake as well then they gave me visterial i think that is how you spell it. At any rate it seemed to work better it is a muscel relaxer that is safe to take in pregnancy. what the purpose of it is. It relaxes the muscels around the uterus to stop the contractions. The down side to it is it will make you sleep. And if you have another small child and are home alone during the day i would not recomend taking this med during the day. However it is something to think about for night. I only took it when i started feeling contractions coming on. so i guess the benifit of the med would be better than what you are taking. It is something to ask the Doc about anyways. I hope all is well and I am sure you will have a beutiful healthy baby girl. God never puts on us what we cant handle. I wish you well let mme know whar the doc says and how things work out.
Good Luck
C. Brownlee
Jacksonville Florida