My one year old loves stickers! She will sit at the table and put them on her paper for quite a while.
Our schedule:
6:30 she gets up
7:00 breakfast; play time in playroom while I clean up
9:00 30 minute show (baby einstein, elmo)
9:30 outside
**we have been going outside first lately due to the heat
11:00 lunch; play time in playroom while I clean up
12:00-2:00 nap
2:30 snack; play time in playroom while I clean up
4:00 outside if okay
4:30 30 minute show while I cook dinner; table activity
5:30 dinner; play time in playroom
6:45 bath; play upstairs
7:15 book time & songs
7:30 night night
After each meal/snack I use my playroom so I can clean up real quick and then I let them out to play around the house. If I am running errands, I do so either from 9-10:30 or in the afternoon from 3:30-4:30ish.
we do: playdough, glue collage, stickers, aquadoodle, balls (yes in the house), riding toys in the house (small ones), coloring, dancing, dress up, puppets, musical instruments, etc. I put some toys up and rotate them...this helps a lot.
Good luck, I understand your issue,