Talk about it...what it feels like to know when you are about to go...the mechanics of the process...tell her when she's ready you know she will do a great job (encourage her...forcing usually delays the process). Read books (there's plenty at the library) my favorite was one that had Mr. Rogers in it. Put some big girl panties in a drawer and tell her that they are for when she is ready for them but can't have them until then. Wait until she is ready. Find a friend who has a child who is potty trained and hang around them so she can see that she can be a big girl like the friend. Wait. There all kinds of issues that can come up with the process...fear of pooping in the potty...etc. Just take them one at a time and realize that it is a process, not just a waving of the magic wand. (although that would be nice :)
All of my children were fully potty trained between 3 yrs. 2 months and one was as late as 3 yrs 6 month (he's my stubborn child and he needed reverse psychology...he didn't want to be a big boy...glad we worked through that!) but when they did they were also dry through the night (even the boys)
Our latest child is just now the exact age of yours and everytime I say the potty word he says, "Noooo" We've got to get past this, its almost like a game for him. Can't wait for the day!