I was in a similar situation when my second child was born, although not quite as extreme. At any rate, I can appreciate your situation, and even though you don't know me, I just wanted to say that I would be happy to be an "on-call" person for you. Please feel free to write back and get my phone number if you'd like to talk. I live in the Park Cities, so we're close to all the major roads in Dallas.
It sounds like what you need is someone to help in those crucial moments and hours as you go to the hospital and have the baby. If you just know you have someone who can respond any time night or day when you go into labor, and can keep your two year old until your other "people" (whether family, friends, or babysitter) are available, you'll be fine. I have a five year old who just started kindergarten and a two, nearly 3 year old, who is home with me. I'm a SAHM so I have some flexibility (and the incredible blessing of a couple of nearby neighbors we carpool with).
When my second daughter came early, we had family we could call on for emergency help, but they couldn't help beyond picking up my other daughter for the rest of the night and day. That "tided us over" until we could make other arrangements. Out of all the people we knew well, and family memebers within a day's driving distance, it turned out to be a relatively new friend I had made, with two toddlers of her own, who helped me at the most crucial times. She came to the hospital with flowers, and then came again on the eve of Halloween (which is a big deal with her kids!) to stay with my oldest so we could go back to the hospital to get my newborn (who had been in NICU for several weeks). I'll never forget her! I would love to "pay it forward" and be that kind of friend to anyone who needs it. So please feel free to contact me, and we can see if it's something you would like.
Best wishes, whatever you decide! It's an exciting and sometimes overwhelming time of life!