I had the same problems with my daughter. I had several bouts of blisters and though it hurt so bad to nurse, I toughed it out and eventually they popped and got better. After I spoke with a lactation consultant she advised me that what was happening was throughout the feeding, my baby was "sliding" off the areola and just onto the nipple and to cure it, to make sure I was keeping her as close to me as possible throughout the entire feeding session. And it worked. After I made sure she wasn't turning her head as she became more satisfied or that I wasn't letting her slip down, it seemed like all of my breastfeeding issues (sore nipples, blisters, pain) all went away. I obviously don't know if this is the problem you are encountering, but it was what worked for me. You can also pump your milk and give it to your baby until the blisters heal and definitely use the Lansinoh lanolin. It took my daughter and I three months to really get the hang of breastfeeding, but I ended up nursing her for 13 months and I'm so glad I didn't give up.