Hi S....I had similar vaccination concerns when my daughter was born 7 months ago. I have twins boys that are 4 years old that I did the regular vaccination schedule. Then I started hearing some of the supposed dangers of vaccines and giving them to infants so young and so many at one time, etc. I researched it on the internet, here's a good website to visit: www.Mercola.com Why you MAY have had 5 shots is maybe they gave vaccines for individual diseases instead of the combos, like MMR, DaPT the measeles, mumps, rubella and diptheria, pertrusis, tetnus. Why don't you just look up the shots your son had and compare it with what's on the U.S. infant vaccination schedule? If they gave your son more shots than what is recommended I'd want to know why too? Then you'll also have a reference for what shots to expect at future visits. But back to the possible dangers...after researching, I decided for my daughter to not immunize her till she was 6 months old, then I started with one shot at a time, never many at once, and when a vaccine is available NOT in a combo, such as MMR I get it. There's some sources that would say to never vaccinate any child, then your pediatrician says that it's safe to do them at such a young age all at once, etc...so I made my own decision somewhere in the middle. Sometimes the nurses look at me like I'm crazy when we won't take all the shots at once, but it's my child and ultimately her health is my responsibility. But keep this in mind...there are certain guidelines that are given by the government related to vaccination schedules for children...doctors are expected to follow those and if they don't it could be a liability for them...so I wouldn't expect to hear otherwise from your pediatrician just because of the legality of it all. So, this probably hasn't helped you decide, but making your own educated decision on your sons health is your right for sure. Good luck!