I found myself in a similar situation when the assumptions of the job and how it would play out were never really researched, and it ended-up being much different.
I'm a very loyal employee, but I've learned what my comfort zone is and what it's not.
If you're fortunate enough to have marketable skills and think you could find another job quickly, I'd encourage you to find something that doesn't require you to make compromises to your family.
California's economy struggles are well known, and if it's not feasible to leave the position at this time, I'd personally have to suck it up and deal with the imposition as long as possible.
In this market, employers know they have the upperhand, and they're not afraid to play their cards in strong-arming employees into what they (employer) wants. If CA is a "work at will" state, there are likely no legal options on your end but many on your employer's.
My current job requires a lot more travel than I am accustomed to and that I really enjoy with 2 small kids at home. Skype is a wonderful thing and makes being away from home a little more tolerable.
Good luck with your decision!