Diddo on what the previous person, Mimi, said. MOST (not all) heartburn is because of not getting enough acid, not the other way around, which is what most people think....which is why the vinegar helped some. I know many people that take a tablespoon of vinegar every day...yucky, yes. I had heartburn really bad...so bad that the doctors gave me some really strong stuff during delivery and it didn't even touch it. Mylanta, tums, etc., is not good for you and only covers up the real problem.
Now, granted you are pregnant, quoting from one of my books..."The is because the expanded size of the uterus promotes the reentry of stomach fluids into the esophagus, and hormones present during pregnancy tend to soften the sphincter muscles." But it doesn't have to be this way every day for you.
You can pay attention to what triggers (unless it's everything) the heartburn. There are some things that are really bad for you while you are pregnant and can trigger some heartburn...coffee (even the decaf kind), alcohol, baking soda, and especially antacids....really bad for you because of the sodium bicarbonate (such as Alka Seltzer). Now, right after your meals, don't lay down. I've taken papaya tablets before. Papaya tablets are safe and work well for reducing heartburn. Another thing is getting something from the store as Mimi said...just ask your local health food store (my favorite is Good Nutrition off of Beaver Ruin Rd and off of McGinnis Ferry in Duluth). They might direct you to some plant enzymes/herb formula that helps break down the food. Another thing you can do is when it comes on all of a sudden...drink a glass of warm soymilk or rice milk. Also, if it really gets bad, try not to eat or drink anything except water for a few hours before you go to bed, if that's when it strikes the worse. Kinda hard to do if you get as hungry as I get.
My heartburn was the worst with my first and I did everything wrong during that pregnancy. I educated myself from then on and haven't had the problems because I changed my eating. Some people have to have a high-carb diet to help in this situation. With me, if I consume too many carbs (especially refined carbs....sugar), then I'll have the heartburn. Just listen to your body.