Indoor Swim Lessons

Updated on September 07, 2012
G.C. asks from McAllen, TX
4 answers

I am looking for a place where my 4 year old daughter can take indoor swim lessons in the Garland area. she has currently been going to Rockwall YMCA once a week, but would like somewhere closer. Any one know of an excellent private or group swim instructor in this area? Would like an indoor pool so we can continue this throughout fall and winter. Thanks!

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answers from Dallas on

Aqua Tots in Rockwall is great. They only place 4 children in each class. It is off Ridge Rd near the Kroger shopping center, so it is easier to access than the YMCA.


answers from Los Angeles on

I dont live in Texas but here where I am I check with our 'Parks and Recreation Department' for all our swim lessons.

Might be a place to start?



answers from Dallas on

You might try your school district, we're on the other side of the Metroplex but all the districts by us offer lessons at their pools. And they're all indoor pools vs most of the aquatic centers around here.



answers from Dallas on

You can try Paige's Swim School, it is in East Plano, so it may not be too far away from you. I have friends who have gone there and really liked it, and it's a heated pool too, so it's great all year round.

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