induced the first time (9 days over).
REFUSED to be induced again. Second was 11 days over.
Third was 5 days over.
Is there a medical reason to induce tonight?
Most midwives will let you go 2 weeks past - I think most OB's would too...
I will be induced to night since I am almost a week past my due date. I was induced two years ago with my son too and that took 32 hours ! I am wondering if there are any moms out there who were induced the second time and how long did it take the second time? I am hoping it won't take as long as the first time and definitely hope I don't end up with a c-section.
Thanks for all the responses. I was induced at 11pm and delivered our daughter at 7:02am the next day with only 8 minutes of pushing.
induced the first time (9 days over).
REFUSED to be induced again. Second was 11 days over.
Third was 5 days over.
Is there a medical reason to induce tonight?
Most midwives will let you go 2 weeks past - I think most OB's would too...
I was induced the second time, (not the first though). Went in at 6am, had my little chicken nugget at about 6pm if I remember correctly.
Congrats and good luck!
If you don't want to end up with a c-section, then my personal opinion is do not get induced. Your baby will come out when he/she is ready. The medications used for induction can be very dangerous. They can cause uterine rupture...so why chance it? Just my opinion on the subject. Not trying to scare you. Technically babies are "due" 2 weeks before OR 2 weeks after the "due date"...this means that your baby is NOT late yet. Good luck to you!!
First child, started the pitocin drip at 7:00am, baby was delivered just after 6:00 pm.
Try castor oil. It worked for me when I was a week over due. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about how much to take but there is a post on here about it already somewhere. Just a thought. I was never induced so can't help with that .....only the over due part. :-(
my first took 22 hours 1 week before my due date. My 2nd took 10 hours 2 weeks before my due date. Both were induced with no C sections. Good luck!
My two youngest babies were 18 months apart and the second birth was 6 hours start to finish. I think my body remembered what to do and just cut to the chase. I, however, wasn't really ready for it to go that fast and was in a bit of shock. Best of wishes for a safe labor & delivery. Congratulations!
induction with all 3....1st was loooong, but ended in vaginal birth w/epidural.
2nd was non-productive, ended in emerg c-section.
3rd was all natural....with induction running about 6 hours.
I was induced with both of my children. The first one came after 6 hours after about 8 pushes. She was 9 lbs 2 oz. My son was born after 5 hours of labor and ONE push. He was 6 lbs 12 oz. (and an entire 4 weeks earlier than my daughter was!) I had an epidural both times. Guess it didn't slow us down too much. Good luck :) It should go faster for you this time!
I was induced with my first and only. I got the pitocin drip at about 7:30am and delivered at 7:09pm. I only had to push for about an hour and a half, so lucky for me, I had a pretty easy labor.
Is there a reason why your dr wants to induce you? You are only a week overdue and as another poster said, the due date is just a good estimate of when you can expect to deliver. If your health or the baby's health isn't in jeopardy, maybe you should wait and see what happens.....
Good luck with withever way you go. Congrats on the new baby!
16 hours the first time.. 5 hours the second time .. both induced.. the second birth was so easy.. I was ready to go home in 2 hours.. I felt so good.
I passed all 3 offers to get induced they came when they were ready to & made it a much better L&D plus recovery.Almost a week isn't bad all "due dates"are estimated time of arrival for our lil ones to be born.You don't mention this being medically necessary hope it all turns out well for you.
Had my daughter w/out help...10 days early...10 hours start to finish!
Had to be induced w/ my son...he was also 10 days early and took 10 hours, start to finish! LOL! I had epidurals w/ both, so it was not bad at all! Only had to push a few times...both of my sis's have had 2 c-sections each, so I consider myself lucky!!! Best wishes tonight!!!! Keep us posted!
My first induction took 8 hrs and 3 hrs of pushing and no epidural (eclampsia). My 2nd took 4 hrs and 2 pushes with a fabulous epidural and my first was 6 pounds and my second was over 8 :)
Best of luck for a fast and safe delivery!
Induced with my first and it took about 7 hours. My second was induced and that took about 8 hours. Last one was not induced and took 2 hours.
My first was horribly long as yours was.
My second induction from the start of the meds to birth was only 12 hrs!
Good Luck!