I had 4 of them (all on the due date) and it was great. Babies would have been over 10 lbs. if I waited, and I'm a small person. Didn't want to risk too big, c-section, etc.
I just went in, they did the drugs, and the baby came a few hours later. Really it was easy and planned, which helped. I always got the epidural, yes.
How the child gets here actually has huge implications for their life expectancy and future diseases. The vaginal anti-bodies are important, but of course you don't choose if it's a c-section. Complications during birth can result in lifelong problems. So, you need to do what's best for you. Personally the induction (while I'm weary of drugs too) went very well. I have no idea what it's like to have natural labor or if that's less or more painful. All women are different, as is each birth.