I think it's a great idea to invite babies and their moms to a birthday party. Just try to keep the numbers to just one or two babies and have it be very low key, a simple mom and baby bunch of games like mama held- duck duck goose, or hit bubbles from a bubble blow toy, hide a toy that makes a song and have them find it a bunch of times, mom and baby hand traces. Birthday parties are great ways to extend invitations to get to know people better. My son in elementary school gets invitations from kids I don't know and as long as I can attend with the people I don't know, I think it's a great way to reach out to others. Classes like that are great to get a chance to talk to others moms/parents and invite them over sometime for a playdate, the kids play toys and the parents chat. It's simple and fun and so nice to get to talk to other parents with kids the same age. Have a great party!