With breastfeeding, ANYTHING is normal. Some woman get their cycle back 6 weeks post partum, even while breastfeeding (my friend did with all four of her children). It isn't always when you completely stop.
My first nursed till he was 2 and I was 6 months pregnant with my second. He did not start solids until he was 7 months old. I worked then, and pumped breastmilk for him during the day. I was a teacher, so after the summer vacation, we went back to me pumping for him during the day. He was 16 months old. He wouldn't take a bottle (no surprise, since he HATED bottles and hadn't had one all summer!), so I stopped pumping. He still nursed constantly when we were together (including over night), but the next month I got my cycle. He was 17 months old. By the next month I was pregnant with his baby sister!
DD was exclusively nursed, and we didn't start solids until she was 8.5 months old. She wouldn't eat them, and truly did not eat any solids (despite our giving her little tries of things) until she was 11.5 months old - 2 weeks shy of her first birthday! However, when she was 8.5 months old, she was teething and out of the blue I started my cycle! She was nursing every two hours, except over night when she was nursing every 4 hours (or about). I always feed my babies on demand, so this was shocking - especially considering how it went with my first (17 months). Then....the next month, I was pregnant!
Now Baby 3 is 10 months old, we waited until 8 months to start solids, now at 10 he's decided he'll eat a little bit. He still nurses every 2-3 hours, and he wakes up several times a night to nurse. No cycle yet....
My point is, there is not much difference in what I did with my children, yet cycles began at different times. In fact, my daughter didn't eat solids for far longer than my other two, yet i started my cycle earliest with her. I've never supplemented, nor did I give my children solids early. They always fed on demand (and it was all day, all night all the time) and yet there I was at 8.5 months with a cycle!
Anything is normal in breastfeeding, so if you are starting now, it's not abnormal. They actually say you should only count on breastfeeding as birth control for the first 6 months, so that makes sense that you could start now.