When I first started my cycle, I had regular periods, and then they began to be irregular about the time I stopped taking my birth control (The doctor says it wasn't the cause, just the catalyst). I didn't worry too much, just appreciated the extra days before the misery.
The first time I was about 5 days late, then I was about 10 days late. The next time it happened, I was 2 months late. When I was 10 days late, and 2 months late, both times I thought I was pregnant. Urine tests said no. When I was 2 months late, and still nothing, I finally went to the doctor to see if I could get a blood test. She didn't think a blood test would show anything different at 2 months.
She did an ultrasound, and found that I had cysts on my ovaries. She diagnosed me with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). When I finally did get pregnant, I was taking 1500mg of Metformin (generic for Glucaphage). Normally this is a diabetic medication, but she said I don't have diabetes, just insulin resistant.
The Metformin helped my body to have it's cycle, but was safe for the baby. I took it the rest of my pregnancy, and even after because PCOS can cause problems with milk production. I don't know that you have this, but it may be something to look into. If I am more than 5 days late for a period, I take it seriously. A regular period is a sign that your body is healthy and functioning like it should.
I hope you do NOT have PCOS, and everything is ok. Let us know!
I should add that I wanted to get pregnant and that is why I was started taking the medications. Obviously, I needed to be having a regular period in order to get pregnant.