She sounds just like me when I was little, exactly. I wasn't much of a trouble maker, but a little. I did make some unfortunate choices, but nothing permamently bad, but I could have done better. I have a great life now, but it was a bit of a bumpy road for me. I was the cute, funny girl in class and I did okay in school up until middle school, except I never got good conduct marks. I would get A's and an N in conduct. I talk ALOT.
I would say support her carefree nature and give her lots of things to keep her busy. Keep the communication open with her and always let her know she is a great kid, and that you love her no matter what. I really didn't feel that way and my parents seldom told me I was good at things. So, I thought I wasn't good at things that were important, so I started getting into trouble and ignoring school, mostly skipping. I was also having some underlying learning problems, and it was easier to act silly and like I didn't care than it was to ask for help and seem "uncool" or not smart enough. I realized later on that I need some tutoring. But, I had always done well on tests, so I must not be applying myself. I needed some help and had some attention and organizing isssues. I graduated with a low gpa and by the time I figured out what I wanted to do, I had to take the hard road to college and I struggled. Not always a bad thing though.
She sounds like a wonderful child with lots of special gifts. Keep talking to her (and listening)when she talks (okay, not all of the time, you would probably go crazy). Don't let the negative things that her teachers and others say outweigh the good and make her feel like she isn't good at things that matter. Keep a close eye on her and find out what she's really up to when she's a teenager. Let her know you love her and that she can tell you anything. Help her channel her gifts into things she's good at and always be there for her. And be just as proud when she wins "Funniest Girl" as if she had one "Most Likely to Succeed". And if she wants to wear a pink sock with a yellow one with purple sneakers, let her. It's important!