I want to encourage you by telling you my first child was potty trained when she was around 2 1/2, and she had been watching her 3-year-old friend using the potty, and wanted to "tinkle" just like her. So that was easy. She's 11 now. Please keep reading!
My second child did not stop wearing diapers until after his third birthday, and continued to have little accidents in his underwear when he needed to have bowel movements. But he eventually caught on. He's nine now.
My third child wasn't interested in potty training until after she turned 3, then we went through the accidental bm's in the underwear again with her, and now, at almost 5 years old, she's fine and knows when she needs to use the bathroom.
Different doctors and different moms and grandmothers will tell you their own opinions and advice, but sometimes you just have to listen to them, and then decide for yourself whether you want to be stressed out about your little girl's non-interest in the potty, or whether you're just going to give her more time. Making a child use the potty when they're not interested is like banging one's head on the wall. I would wait if I were you, and please don't let your doctor stress you out. Your daughter will, someday soon, use the potty all by herself, and you'll be able to think back to this potty-training time and then encourage someone else throug it!
Remember, children are a gift from God!!! --C. P.