I have strong opinions on sugar free foods and drinks. I will never give them to anyone. I get horrible migraines from the chemicals they use plus sugar free stuff is full of salt and other stuff to hide the horrid aftertase so it is really unhealthy.
I have a friend whose father died from diabetes, she has the same type as he did, insuline reisitant. She did sugar free everything and weighed over 400lbs, ate less than 1000 calories a day and still never lost weight, niver flet healthy, always getting pneumonia and nearly dying every time.
She went to a specialist in OKC and got some very good advice. They took her off of all fake sugars, all fake fats, everything not a normal healthy diet. She lost weight, wears a size 8-10 now, goes shopping and walks just about anywhere she wants to go, she eats small servings of sugary food, made with real sugar and butter, etc...all foods that come naturally and have very little processing, she has not been in the hospital in several years, breathes normal, no oxygen tanks....
She did use an insuline pump for a while but has had the central line removed.
The doc told her the fake stuff was poisin and she took him at his workd and cut it out and is alive today because of it.
If you want to eat healthier drink 100% juice, water, milk, etc...servings sizes of these are not 8 ounces every hour, read the labels and learn the right servings. Give fruit and yogurt as dessert choices, eat healthier and maybe find some lower sugar recipes that use real sugar but just less. When I make Koolaid I only use 2/3 to 1/2 cups sugar instead of a whole cup. My family is used to it and they don't know any dfferent.