Hi, H.. I do think this behavior is normal for many children, especially boys. I also think you are doing a great job explaining to him what he is doing wrong and what he needs to do to be nice. I do think time out is effective for some children, but not all. Something you might try is if he hits at the store, for example, he doesn't get to go to the store next time, and when he stays at home, he has to play quietly by himself until you get home. Sometimes, children receive so much attention- even negative attention, that they continue to do the negative behavior. He may feel your tension and frustration and embarrassment, and likes the control that gives him. Children are constantly trying to feel in control of their environment. He may feel like his brother is getting more positive attention than him, and so to get your attention, he is going to be ornery with him. Keep up with the separating of toys and putting him on his bed for a time-out. He needs to be alone when he can't respect other people or their things. This is a great lesson for him to learn. Keep up the good work, and hang in there. Good Luck!