Sometimes dear there must be room for compromise. I understand your problems, really I do, My husband wants more kids, but I just DO NOT want to go through the hard pregnancy again. I have a 12 year old daughter (Asiah) and a 5 year old son (Kaelyb)**pretty neat huh??**
I do not know how old you are, but I do understand the "I am ALWAYS the one compromising" I am there, totally with you. I have given up SO many things that I wanted, including a career. I had a very rewarding job and quit to become a stay at home mom up until last year. I know have a low paying part time job that I do enjoy, but wish I had more hours. My husband is ALL about the mom staying home to raise the kids.
But ya know what? I am pretty happy. I have a part time job to "get away" and I also get to be home with my kids. He makes a decent income and we have faith in God to help us meet our needs, and believe me, we always feel we are being backed into a wall, but somehow, the Lord provides.
I have alot of compassion for you, I know what it is like to feel resentful.. I did a few years back, I DID NOT want a second child, and now, I am SO VERY GLAD I chose to.
I did cringe a bit when you made it seem that your son is "perfect" and his are not.
Honey, if my husband EVER said something about my daughter like that I would scream so loud, the Angels above would shrudder.
He is a WONDERFUL step father and he spoils her way too much, more so than our son together.
Babe, you need to lighten up a bit... your child, I am sure is sweet and good and all, but if you end up getting married to this guy, you MUST include his children as your own.. I mean that.
I had thought about moving out of the area, but, how would that affect my daughter? Not very well, I am sure. Sometimes we have to be Grown up" it sucks, big time!
I will pray for you, and I suggest you get down on your knees and pray for guidance from the Lord above. Read 1 & 2nd Corinthians, it will help you out alot!
I will keep you in my prayers.