I felt I must write because we are suffering from a miscarriage this morning. I had the Mirena IUD placed just 2 months after my first son was born. He was a surprise and my most surreal moment came during the c-section (he was breech) when the surgeon exclaimed "your tubes and ovaries are quite beautiful and perfect!" Just how do you respond to that while you're lying there? Anyways, I was breastfeeding him and still got my period, so another OB at the office suggested the Mirena IUD. I balked at first, yet she basically quoted the commercial, saying there's no risk and once I had it out I could get pregnant by the next month. I had it installed, bleed for months (about 5) and then had about 18 months without periods at all, which I thought was great. Then we decided to try for a sibling for our son. They couldn't get the IUD out in the office after 2 very painful tries. Then I had to have it surgically removed, which cost a huge sum of money. Now 17 months later, after 5 months of infertility treatment, we are faced with a "chemical pregnancy" which is basically an early miscarriage because I cannot seem to stay pregnant. I have to assume since it was so easy to get pregnant with my first son (only took 5 weeks of trying) that this IUD had something to do with it. Once I first had it removed, I fully intended to have it put back after our second and last child was born. Now 17 months of agony later, I realize after reading many, many online comments about the IUD problems, I fully regret ever having it placed at all. I have no idea if you plan to have more children, and I know of a few people who had children after IUD, yet had many months w/o success first, so I don't know if this is what you want. But, if you plan to ever have children again, please know that this is a serious risk I do not feel they fully warn you about well. It is in the documentation, but hidden quite well with lots of "rare" and "unlikely" mixed in to make you feel so much better about it. The risks are great, and if you're one of the lucky ones it works for and doesn't have any problems, you simply won't know until you try, and I sure wish I hadn't. Good Luck!