JFF - Denim/jean "Cut Offs" - Are They Uncool?

Updated on May 05, 2011
M.O. asks from Barrington, IL
26 answers

OK, so my favorite pair of jeans recently got a snag/hole in them. I cut them off and plan to fold them under and hem them so they are denim shorts. My husband just looked at me like REALLY????? I thought those were way out of style.

Now I'm no fashionista, I'm a SAHM who's chasing kids and going to the grocery store.

Am I way out of style if I wear these...out of the house...in the dead of summer?

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answers from Baton Rouge on

Cool, schmool - I wear what I find comfortable and anyone who disapproves has 359 other directions they can look.

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answers from Washington DC on

i'm even more uncool. i patch them. i won't give up on a good pair of jeans just because of a snag! i have one pair that is more patch than jean.
the patches are wild and wonderful.
i love those jeans.
:) khairete

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answers from Chattanooga on

I just cut them off at fingertip-length and let them be. :) I don't care if they are 'in' or not, I already impressed the guy I'm after! lol.

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answers from Salinas on

This must be a regional thing. Out here on the coast of CA you cannot walk 2 steps without seeing a woman of any age wearing cut off jeans in a huge range of lengths hemmed or frayed. They are in every store in the mall and honestly have always been considered "cute" if not super stylish. Now some of these woman are getting it all wrong by wearing them at the wrong length for their body so if I were you I'd pick out the best part of your leg and cut there. If it's your calves, make capris. If you have nice thighs cut longer shorts and if you have great legs all around go for a higher cut. Have fun summer is almost here!

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answers from Williamsport on

Depends on your age and the length. Both the frayed edge and the style in general depend on these two factors. In other words, the frayed edge will not be cute on short shorts if you're "more mature"-no matter how in shape-it will make you look older-and if you're more mature in years and are cutting them to the knee, a hem would still be chic depending on the rest of your wardrobe......anything goes really as long as it's in proportion to your size, age and the tops/shoes you're putting with them...oh, yeah, and how baggy are they? I mean if they're are a "relaxed fit" and they're cut long to the knee, a frayed edge will look sloppy. If they're tight or loose matters a lot for length and hem as well.....If the hubs doesn't like them, they may not be cute. Men are visual creatures, not fashion police.

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answers from Las Vegas on

I think it depends on the length the shorts are going to be and, if you are planning on making them into short shorts, whether you have good enough legs to carry them off. Jean shorts can be very cute if they are either on the short shorts side or burmuda length (just above the knee). Anything in between just doesn't look that great. This is just my own opinion, of course.

P.S., by "short shorts," I am not talking about Daisy Dukes necessarily but something just south of that.

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answers from Modesto on

Depends on what you look like in them would be my guess.

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answers from Spokane on

Go for it! I'm rarely with the "in crowd". I just wear what I like and what I feel comfortable in. I'm very eclectic. One day I might dress like a hippy but the next I look like I just came from a business meeting. Or I might be in a lovely vintage dress or an East Indian salwar kameez. I often get complimented on my outfits which has just given me the courage to walk even further off of the beaten path of current fashion.

It's so hard to find a comfortable pair of pants so when you do, I'd want to prolong them too. Had you thought of just patching the hole? Or is it too big? Even if you cut them off, hemming them sounds like a good idea to me. That's what I do to the kids' school jeans. They all have holes and worn spots galore by the time they get out for the summer but clothing is expensive, especially for boys that tear it up almost as soon as they put it on. They're decently covered, so why does it matter? My kids go to a great school where there isn't a lot of peer pressure when it comes to clothing, etc. I mean, come on. My 7 yo son loves purple, a good third of his wardrobe is that color and I think he came home once crying that a boy made fun of him. But I just sat down with him, told him that that color used to be so rare that only the royals could wear it, even the men, so now he doesn't care and I've seen lots of boys wearing that as well as pink up there now.

I just don't pay attention to the magazines and what they're saying is "in". I can never afford to buy that stuff unless I'm lucky enough to find it at a thrift store. So I just don't worry about it. I admit that I used to and it's taken me about 10 years to get to this point but I actually feel pretty liberated to be here. To not really worry about what other people think and to fashion my own clothes. It's pretty empowering to wear what you want to wear because you like it, not because that's what everyone else is telling you to wear because it's "cool".

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answers from Kansas City on

This made me chuckle! I have some unfashionable moments too! But, no, don't hem them, don't even fold them under! Just cut them off and go!

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answers from New York on

Hemming them will make them kind of uncool.

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answers from Las Vegas on

they are cool in the Ozarks..and if you wear a white t-shirt with a pack of Marlboro smokes rolled up in the sleeve, even better.. :):) ok ok joking... and those from the Ozarks.. love you!!

I see it this way, if they look good on you, then wear em... same goes with most fashion.. also, if a trend looks goods on someone else, doesn't mean it looks good on you and vice versa...

best to you

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answers from Kalamazoo on

You're fancy in my book - I wouldn't even hem them!

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answers from Chicago on

I've recently heard several jokes on tv about how uncool jeans cut-offs are.

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answers from St. Louis on

no, not cool according to the teens in our family. Nicely-hemmed, please!

I appreciate that the kids today seem to have a more trendy, stylish fashion sense....than the grunge look & the hippy look before that!

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answers from Dallas on

I had a pair that I cut off into capris. Not so much shorts. My husband looked at me crazy but idk! Then we went to macys and lo and behold, cut offs just like I did! Shut him up! Go for it

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answers from Orlando on

In my opinion as long as they are not to long or short they are "Cool" I wouldn't hem them though I would leave them to frey naturally.

Jean shorts on MEN are always a NO. I just wish someone would tell my father. :)

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answers from Salt Lake City on

As long as they aren't too short, I'd say go for it. I know teens are back to the ragged, cut-off, holes-in-strategic-places look. Maybe he thinks you're trying to look like a teen again, but I wouldn't worry too much about it.

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answers from Phoenix on

Last summer in our last neighborhood (we've moved since), the sexiest mom on the block did just this, cut off her jeans, the ends were naturally unraveled on her and I thought it was adorable. And she always dresses in great clothes too...so I'm thinking yes, just cut them at a length that looks good on you and your figure.

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answers from Salt Lake City on

I wouldn't hem them just let them fray out. I have a couple pairs of cut offs that I wear some are yard shorts some are run around shorts. I have a pair of jeans I cut off to capri length and they are all frayed out my boys call them my pirate pants

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answers from Detroit on

Hemming them is a BIG NO NO!!! Cut off freyed as long as they are not "mom jeans" are in

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answers from Chicago on

Don't hem them!
Cuff the bottom and leave them be. They're waaay back in this summer!

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answers from St. Louis on

It completely depends on what they look like, and also what they look like ON YOU. Show us a picture!! =)

ps - jean shorts themselves are not "uncool" necessarily - log on to one of many classy, trendy websites and you can find some version of jean shorts. I just ordered a pair from J Crew - now, if your shorts look like the ones on this website, you are golden!!

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answers from New York on

My HS age daughter buys cut off denim shorts at American Eagle - but they are not hemmed. The ends are frayed, I'd go with that instead of folding under & hemming.

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answers from Bloomington on

Actually denim cut offs are very "in" right now. As long as they're not mom jeans. Let them fray or roll them up

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answers from Dallas on

I saw in some magazines where on runway they keep them longer and roll the bottoms up to make a loose cuff. . . But they are a little baggy.
And of course we all dress like those on the runway - LOL!

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answers from Dallas on

Very out. Jean shorts of any sort- very uncool :)

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