If you live in the Salt Lake area their is a great consignment sale her a few weeks at HillTop United Methodists-it is a womens and childrens one-they have 2 per year-this one is spring and summer and will have alot of strollers-I got my jogger stroller for about 30 dollars-most were over 50 and you could find one there cheapest and in the best shape too! It is the second friday in April-it has 2 levels of stuff so only take a checkbook and if you can find a way-no kids-it is just too much stuff to take them too-it is a blast there though-I always find what I am looking for-just be sure to take the kids sizes with you-I found an outline of their feet work for shoes and then I put their sizes in it-each side has a different kid! Good Luck!!! e-mail me if you need anymore info or a playdate for your three yr old-I have one too! ____@____.com