First off - AWESOME birthday she has! [That's mine too! :)]
Secondly, most people have already said this, but your body DOES need a break between babies! My second and third are only 16 months apart - not by choice - and although they are close, and I had all 3 of mine within 3.5 years and it's great for them to grow up together, it is VERY VERY hard on you emotionally AND physically to have two "babies". If you found out you were pregnant today, your daughter wouldn't even be a year old when you were having the next one. That really WILL make you feel like you aren't giving either one of the babies your absolute best. (Which you are by the way! You have demonstrated that by getting help and doing the best you can do!)
I STILL miss being pregnant (my youngest just turned 9!) but I know deep down that I wouldn't want another BABY to care for. I knew that after she was born, but I still miss the pregnancy thing. And that leads to another point - not only will you be tired again (pregnancy tired!), you could potentially have a tough pregnancy. With my first, I had the textbook morning sickness, and I had alot of fatigue, but that was it - otherwise, I felt better than I ever had! I wanted that again, but we knew we wanted them to be around 2 years apart. But when I got pregnant with my second, I was SOOOOOOOO sick for the first 5 months, and had migraines (which I'd never had, and haven't had since) and then I got an inguinal hernia and had to have surgery to repair it while pregnant! To top it off, we had moved 1500 miles away from our families/friends 3 months before all this, so I had very little support to help me through it. Blessedly, my oldest was very laid back and adapted to Mommy lying around so much! But I felt horrible - all I could do was feed him meals and lie back down while he watched Toy Story every day! It is pretty sad that an 18 month old learns how to pop a tape into the VCR and what all the buttons on the remote do! So there I felt like I was cheating him b/c I was no longer taking him out into the yard, or doing fun activities together like we'd been doing.
Let your body heal, talk to your doc at your check-up - I dealt with PPD for months after my last one was born w/o knowing it and should have been treated alot earlier! Many of us feel the urge for more babies, but even though you say you waited for "years", you are only 27 and you have many many years to have more children! I turned 26 four days before my last one was born and couldn't believe it was over!!! And now that they are older, if I had to do it all again, I would spread them out just a little more. God made all 3 of my sweet little choices for me but if I could redo that, I would tweak it JUST a little! I sorely miss my kids being sweet little babies, and I wish I had taken the time to enjoy each one of them more thoroughly before having the next. But sometimes, we don't get choices and I think when we do, we don't trust ourselves to make the "perfect" decision.
Accept that you are new to this and you won't always feel like you made the perfect choice (if you are like most of us, you will ALWAYS feel you could've done a little better!), but that you are going to be THE BEST mom your little girl could ask for - and start by giving her your time and love instead of asking her to share it right away! If you'd been meant to split your time between babies, you'd have had twins or triplets! :D
Let us know how you are doing in a few weeks!