I'd just like to throw this out there... because hand-washing IS really important. Especially this season. BUT as a society we've gotten a little nuts with the whole germ thing, to the extent that we're not allowing our bodies to build up immunities the way that we should. All of this hand-sanitizing (although certainly this season if you can't wash hands, then this is a good alternative) and anti-bacterial everything is actually back-firing b/c viruses are getting tougher and tougher. I guess my overall point here is that teaching our kids to wash their hands is expected and necessary. But teaching them to wash like surgeons? I think that's overkill. I'm not going to chase my kids around everywhere worrying about germs all day long, hosing them down with lysol and gopping them up with hand-sanitizer. LOL. We've got to allow our bodies to build up a natural resistance to what's out there : ) Not all bacteria is BAD bacteria.