As a kid and even today, I tend to prefer female practitioners.. however, in my case, I was molested and that had a lot to do with it.. however, do note, and I am not trying to scare you... BUT you mention you have always been there and no traumatic event has ever taken place.. Consider for a moment, IF something did take place in her life, it didn't have to take place with a coach, maybe something (not even necessarily sexual) has taken place.. could be a certain tone of voice is alarming to her.. a specific gesture... maybe even the male energy ... sometimes kids are very sensitive to things that we as adults are not...
Now this is different.. but my son is very afraid of dogs.. everyone will ask, was he ever bitten or attacked, to that I say no.... people assume you have to have some bad experience with a specific thing for you to have fear of it.. in his case, unless I don't know about it, he was never bitten.. and to this day, he is still VERY afraid of dogs... now that he is older (9) he is better able to verbalize his fears and simply says, I don't like a dog's energy (esp the little feisty ones) those are very upsetting to him... no matter how I try and explain to him that "most" dogs are just wanting to have fun, he nonetheless is still afraid..
so maybe there is more to your daughter's fear than meets the eye.. however, you may not find out exactly what it is until she is older... when she can put into more words what she is senses..
I wish you the best