Sometimes kids can have difficulty expressing themselves or even identify when something is wrong. If you're seeing behavior changes and you've identified that you think her behavior is showing that something is wrong, then you should trust that. Instead of asking general questions like "is something wrong?" you might ask more directed questions like, "tell me about your teacher? Is she nice? Is she funny? Are you making new friends? Tell me about the other kids in your class" etc. When I talk to my daughter I usually say things like, "you know, when I started kindergarten, I found it a little scary because I didn't really know anybody and I had to make new friends. But making new friends can be really fun..." See if she can relate to some things like that.
It may be that she is just having difficulty adjusting to being away from home especially if you have other kids in your home from your day care. She may feel like she doesn't fit in anymore. You may need to give special attention to her for a while so that she doesn't feel like she's left out. Maybe you could give her a special job to do when she gets home that makes her feel more included in the day care.
I'm sure her teacher can give you some more insight. I would
make sure to have an open line of communication with the teacher. If they know you're concerned, they should pay special attention. Good luck. :)