I went to my midwife that afternoon. I should tell you, I was not very happy with her, and she was obviously not thrilled with me...I should have found another midwife, but I was foolish enought to try to stick it out. After having her do a deep internal exam for 25 minutes do dicern the position of the baby, with her just pulling out a few times and me finally telling her that I was cramping and it was enough; time to stop...I went home.
Nothing was out of the ordinary that afternoon, but later that evening I noted the mucous plug had come out. I really wanted to hear some 80s music and rock out. The radio show came on that evening and it took me over an hour to get the radio tuner just right on my touchy boombox. Once the music came on, I had to wait for some good tunes. Once they came on, I danced like crazy for a couple of songs, and then was incredibly exausted. I sat down to take a breather, but started falling asleep. I should mention I have never been much for dancing before.
I then started feeling some contractions, but I thought they were just braxtin hicks...so I went to bed. I remember looking at the clock and telling myself that if I had one more contraction before midnight (I had already had 3 since 11:00 and a few sporatically before that) that I would call the midwife. I remember a contraction waking me up around 12:14 that night, but was too sleepy to care.
At a little bit before 6:00am I woke up. I looked around the room, could not figure out what woke me out of such a sound sleep. And then my water broke. I called the midwife, she told me to have some one drive up to her place in the next city, even though I was only seen at the office in my city, and I did. She examined me, and told me to get back into my car, lay in the back seat, and go back down to the hospital in my town. She thought the baby was transverse.
Turned out the baby was breech, they took him by c-section a couple hours later and I never got to experience labour much past 2cm.
So, plug, energy burst, mild contractions, exaustion, sleep, water rupture.