Yes, it would take patience and perseverance but yes you could do it. I don't know how old your baby is but the answer would still apply...
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Q: Is it possible to restart breastfeeding after a baby is already weaned after the first birthday?
A: It is possible. I do not know from your question how long it has been since the baby breastfed. If it has been many months, you are talking about induced lactation, because the milk-making parts of the breast have already closed down and gone back to pre-pregnancy state. If you are talking about a recent weaning, you are then discussing relactation, starting up a system that is just slowed down. Techniques for relactating and inducing lactation are similar:
If baby is still interested in breastfeeding, putting the baby to breast often and also doing some pumping and breast massage may get your milk flowing again.
If the baby has forgotten how to breastfeed, or is no longer interested in breastfeeding, it is possible to pump with a hospital grade double electric pump throughout the day and work on inducing lactation.
Since your baby is over one year old, you can continue with his/her regular diet while you are establishing your milk supply. If your baby was younger, you would need to be concerned about how to keep the baby well nourished during this process.
You will probably want to get some guidance from your local IBCLC or La Leche League Leader to help you. She will be able to give you many more positive tips and ideas for your individual case.