have you been getting enough vitamin D? Take care-get a little extra sleep and a little extra fresh air-what you are experiencing is normal-all the best!
I can't seem to stop crying today. Everything is upsetting me, and my poor kids keep trying to cheer me up. My son is a true sweetie, but I just feel so black and sad......
I'm trying to just focus on my list of things to do, and I keep asking the kids to play a game with me but they are "too busy."
I'm due in just over three weeks. I don't know if i can handle these emotions. I fly high and then crash, it's like I'm a manic depressive!
Suggestions to deal with this? I should be in a high again tomorrow or Monday, and my last high lasted 8 or 9 days......
And the Braxton hicks are really kicking in ---lost part of my plug last week. I do long, slow labor, so I know I will be like this for at least 2-3 more weeks!
have you been getting enough vitamin D? Take care-get a little extra sleep and a little extra fresh air-what you are experiencing is normal-all the best!
Well, a fun story to make you laugh...
When I was pregnant with my son (My first, and so far my only), I was living with my parents and my two sisters. My sisters were watching 'Finding Nemo' (They were in their teens, we just love Disney movies) in the living room and I was in the kitchen making some food so I could hear the movie in the background. I started to think about Finding Nemo and pictured myself searching the ocean for my baby, and I just started bawling. One of my sisters came to see what was wrong. Unfortunately I was holding a relatively big knife that I was using to prepare this food so when my sister walked into the kitchen all she saw was a crying pregnant lady holding a knife. Lol... She still teases me about that...
I'll also share a funny store, hopefully to brighten your evening.
With my last pregnancy, I literally was losing my plug for about a week and I felt SO awful...this baby was a handful from day one, but by that time, she was internally beating me black and blue, and breech so it was uncomfortable to sit but painful to stand. Awful.
So, one day about 2 weeks before I was due, I felt SO awful I told my husband..."Don't drink tonight, because I really think I could go." Well, he didn't take me seriously. So I'm in bed, can't go to sleep, it's about midnight...and I feel this POP and there goes my water.
I get up and walk out to the kitchen, water running down my legs, pajama shorts soaked, and say, "Okay, we have to go, I'm in labor."
He's standing there...in one hand, a hot dog loaded with everything imaginable, and in the other, a can of beer. Mouth full. All he can say is, "You're kidding, right?" between chews.
So, while *I* am rapidly progressing towards delivery (and I'm scheduled for a c-section because she's breech and my hosp. doesn't allow VBAC's anyhow), with contractions severe and about two minutes apart at most, *I* get my bags and everything ready, *I* call my father-in-law to come watch our oldest...and what do you think he does? Finishes the hot dog and the beer. Thank God it was only his first, or I would've had to drive myself as well!!!
Then we are IN the hospital, trying to prep for what is now an emergency c-section because I am literally ready to push, and he's complaining about being tired and the nurse offers to get him some coffee. So she goes and gets him some coffee while the other one is prepping me.
Yeesh. I love him!!!
I hope you feel better soon, and congratulations! Life will be so wonderful so very soon!
Aw, you are normal.
Don't worry.
But I hope you told your Doctor that you lost part of your mucus plug?
When I lost mine, I went into labor that SAME day.
My daughter was born early.
Just try and rest.
Tell your kids thanks for helping Mommy.
Tell them this is normal for pregnant Moms.
And where is your Husband?
Tell him to help!
I used to feel utterly housebound during my last few weeks of pregnancy. It wasn't easy for me to get around, especially since my pregnancies were difficult, but I had to try to avoid cabin fever by getting out of the house. Adult interaction helped me so much so sometimes it was as simple as getting the girls packed up and going to my best friend's house so they could play and we could chat. Other times, like during my final pregnancy which was mid-winter, I would pack the girls up and we'd go to the mall for them to play in the play area... with lots of disinfecting wipes. :-) I'd chat with other moms and watch the girls burn off energy. I did the same when it was just one kid.
Sometimes it was a library trip. A stop at my mom's house. Lunch at Subway. Stuff like that. I didn't get groceries or anything... I would do that through Peapod delivery. :-)
Cut yourself some slack and try to get out everyday. Just think a couple of weeks and you will see that beautiful little face. The miracle of all miracles. Try to get out for lunch or dinner with a girlfriend. It will be over soon. Hugs.
J., is your husband here with you or is he overseas? If he's overseas, no wonder you have crying jags. I would too if my husband were gone while I was pregnant.
If he's here, then I'm very glad for you. Just know that hormones are tough on us during pregnancy (and during "the change" of life, too!) I've always been a bawl baby, (sad movies, songs, etc) but never so much as when I was pregnant, and during peri-menopause and menopause. It's tough being a woman, J..
Have you asked your doctor this question? I just wonder if your sugar level might be a little part of it. There's a product at the drug store for diabetics that you drink, like a smoothie, that helps keep your sugar level steady. Also, if you eat protein in the morning and in between meals, that helps too. Of course, I'm grasping at straws here for you, and it may not help at all, but it certainly won't hurt you.
Hugs, and hoping so much that you get through this easier quickly!
Hugs to you. :) hate to say it but I would love to be in your position. :-) I would love to be having a third healthy baby and be 2-3 weeks from snuggling a sweet baby. I cry instead since it's not looking like I'll be able to. So as hard as it is....remember how incredibly blessed you are. :-) also, please take a good look at that to do list and see if you can remove anything. :) a to do list would make me cry alone. ;-) even if your other two say they are too busy to play, go sit on the floor near them and watch them. My guess is that they are hearing you say you are too busy and may not want to burden you. When I just sit near my guys watching them....sometimes asking a question...they always engage me. Anyhow, keep thinking "You've come a long way, Baby!!!" and the finish line is sooooo close. :-)