Hi there J.. Congrats on your pregnacy! I use the laundry line from Melaleuca. It is safe enough for newborns and up and is great for those with senstive skin. And it last a long time. the 96 oz bottle does 192 loads! My bottle has lasted 2 months, and I do alot of laundry with my 2 yr old and husband. You have to be a member,($1 til Dec 31st, then $29 after that, but only one time fee) but you get wholesale prices, so worth it. They have a lot of other safe products for your home, esp with little ones around. Even if the laundry was all i got, it is worth it! You can go to www.melaleuca.com to see all their products. If you have any questions, 'id be happy to answer them for you. Have a happy new year.