I believe its a Maryland Law. My daughter had it done, as did all of my friends' kids. Its always done on their 1st birthday. Its not a true "blood draw" I believe Katie's was a finger prick! It wasn't horrible.
I recently took my 12 month old daughter to her 1 year Well Baby Check up. After my daughter was checked and had her shots, I was instructed that I would need to get a script to have her go to the lab and have blood work done to check for lead paint. My daughter has never been exposed to lead paint nor do we live in an old home (our home is only 13 years old). I was talking to my sister in law about this request and she was surprised and puzzled as to why my pediatrician #1 would request the test specifically because of our zip code (we live in Harford County, Bel Air, MD 21014) and because we live in a relatively new home and #2 why my daughter would need to go to a lab and have blood work done when my neice and nephew simply got a prick on their finger in the pediatricians office and the test was completed ( she had them tested because their house is over 50 years old). Has anyone else had their pediatricians tell them to have their children tested? I just find this request a little strange for the various reasons above. Plus, I can hardly imagine my daughter cooperating with having blood withdrawn especially because she freaks out when she is just getting her shots. Any imput would be helpful :) Thanking you in advance!!!
Thank you all for your input on the blood work for the lead paint testing! I finally took my daughter to the lab today for the blood work (my ped wanted me to wait as she had a cold for the last 2 weeks or so). She was definately not a happy camper during the needle pricking process, but things could have been a lot worse. Thank God she has good veins! Thanks again for all your advice!!!
I believe its a Maryland Law. My daughter had it done, as did all of my friends' kids. Its always done on their 1st birthday. Its not a true "blood draw" I believe Katie's was a finger prick! It wasn't horrible.
In Delaware, the lead blood test is actually required by the school system. My daughter had never had one until this year when she started school. She too had to go to the lab and have blood drawn for the test.
Hi Mellissa! I hope this helps give you the answers you are looking for. I am a pediatric nurse in Pennsylvania. And I know in Pa. it is the law to have every child tested for both lead and hemaglobin at the age of nine to twelve months. And with Hemoglobin some insurance companies insist on a venous draw therefore refusing to pay for the fingerstick. And most Peds figure sionce they are having their blood drawn anyhow then why pick her twice. Look on the script and see if there is anything else on the such as a CBC or HGB. If so then you have your answer. The up side to this is that alot of times with the fingersticks they can be off or the child can actually have anemia. And then they have to have the blood drawn anyhow. As hard as it is to see your little one will cope just fine in the end. Kids are resilent and bounce back fast. But if you are still concerned then ask your Ped for EMLA cream. This is usually very effective. It numbs the skin so the child won't feel it and it is very safe to use. You would just need to put it on the skin an hour before the test. I am sure you can find info for this online. I hope this has helped some. Let me know what happens. I know Maryland law is probably diffrent then Pennsylvania law. If you still can't find the answers you need though I would just go directly to the Ped. Most Peds like it when parents ask questions. Now on a more personal level. My fourteen year old son John tested positive when he was a baby. We too like you lived in a newer home and couldn't for the life of us figure out where he was exposed. The health department even came in and tested everthing in our home and at daycare. Nothing turned up. He continued to get tested twice a year after that to be sure the levels were not going up. Thank god they weren't! However it took SEVEN years to get back to normal. He never required treatment for this but it was scary just the same. All the other kids were fine. Nobody else ever tested positive. Now here is the scary part. I have six kids. 4 biological and 2 stepchildren. They are all wonderful kids. But John is the only one who has expierienced any behavioral and emotional problems. They started at age 2. And it has been a heartbreaking ride for everyone involved. He also has learning disabilities. Now we have 6 children. Two in college. One starting a pre-med program next year. All except John on the honor roll. Very well adjusted children. So it has always bothered me to the fact that my baby somewhere was exposed to lead and that could have possibly affected his development (That's a fact.It can.) And for me I thank god this testing is availble. Because lead poisoning kills. What if we never knew. It could have been worse. Lead is present in so many more places then just paint. You would be surprised. I hope some of this helps you. I was not trying to scare you. Just to share my own expierience in hopes that it might be helpful to you.
Good Luck to both you and your little one!
Don't worry about it....some insurances even require it. My 2 year old had to be checked and when I said no they told me it was neccasary or they would drop her insurance. It is very common. Besides you would rather be safe than sorry.
Hi M.,
My pediatrician also recommended the test and we had it done for both of our daughters. Blood was taken via a needle just like for adults - although they used the little butterfly needle rather than the larger needles. We did not get it done at the doctor's office but went to Quest Diagnostics who handles that testing. It was not an ordeal - my daughters were 14 months and 13 months when they had it done. It's done very quickly. We also live in a new home but we have well water and although we test our water annually, thought that it would be better just to have our daughters tested to make sure they were fine. Plus - although we know our home is new, my in-laws have old homes and the child care that the children attended was in an old church. Although state regs require the school to be safe, there have been instances where this was not the case. Again, we just wanted to be sure. If you are really concerned, talk to your pediatrician about it some more. Ask about why they recommend and get more information so you are more comfortable. If you decide to have it done, have the doctor recommend a place to go to. One that deals with children on a regular basis.
I just want to comment on the EMLA cream. We use it all the time and have found it to be very effective. My 2 1/2 yo son is always getting poked with needles for some part of his leukemia treatment. He is still a bit apprehensive when the nurse approaches him - he doesn't like to be touched or restrained - but he isn't in pain.
Hi M.,
It's just a precautionary test. Both of my children had it. It doesn't matter where you live or how old your house is. You can have a brand new house but the people that constructed the house could have used lead based paint. Also your children are not just at your house. If you go visiting you don't know what kind of paint that people may have in their homes, some older homes have lead pipes. Kids always put things in their mouth. Lead can be present in almost anything.Just because it doesn't say it on the label does not meant it isn't in there. Your Dr's office may not be contracted with a lab, Which means they can draw the blood but they do not have a lab to send it to be tested. That's probably the reason he gave you the prescritpion. Every state is different but my girls did not have to get their lead test until they were 2. If you don't feel comfortable with your daughter having this test done speak with your doctor.
my son had the blood test also. it was done to be on the safe side. i was sure he was not exposed to it in our home, but there are other places he could have been. everything came back fine. the blood test was difficult, but better safe than sorry.
good luck!
This is a standard test both my children have it done every year when they have there check-ups. Lead can come from many sources other then your home.
Lead testing was determined nessisary by the federal goverment because lead poisoning had reached epidemic proportions here in the USA causing not only death but mostly severe disability. Such as mentle retardation,autism and physical disabilities like cerebal palsy.
And lead can be found in many surprizing sources not just old paint.Things like red fiesta ware dishes, lead pipes, lead soter on copper pipes, lead crystal goblettes inherited from grandma.
Please have your kids tested!
I know as mom's we all want to save our kids even the smallest discomforts like a needle prick but disability from lead poisoning is like squeezing your kids arm really hard so he doesn't run into the street and get hit by a bus.
Sorry about the soapbox sound of this.
Good luck.
All of my children's pediatricians have asked for lead testing. I used to live in Philadelphia and now I live in south jersey and I always had to bring them to a lab to get the blood work. Also, I was recently sent a lead testing kit to test my home for lead. Everything was negative but it is a precaution that is better taken sooner than regret not doing it later. Normally lead testing is done around the age of one and than again at two. My kids are still young so I'm not sure if older kids need lead testing as often.
My kids sit on my lap when getting the lab work done and of course they cry just like they do when they get their immunizations. Ultimately it is your decision.
My niece's ped requires it every 12 months and she has to go to a lab to get it done - which requires 2 people holding her down and bribing her, along with the nurse drawing the blood. Its just a precautionary thing because lead poisoning can be deadly.
We live in NJ and this type of test is mandatory in our state. Our doctor said it is to check for anemia. It's actually pretty quick and my daughter did ok with the needle.
I hope this helps to ease your mind.
Good luck!
Hi M.. My name is L. and I just took my son to his 12 month well baby check up also and they wanted him to have the same test done. I was told it is becoming a mandatory test for all 12 month olds. My son also was told he had to go to the lab and get it done and that because of the insurance. Some pay for the doctors office to do the test and other insurance won't. Maybe thats why they wanted you to go to the lab. Well I hope this helps.
Both of my daughters both had the Led paint test. and both had blood drawn. My one daughter it was understandable she grand parrents that lived in a 60 year old house in arlington. My younger daughter has never been exposed like yours but her dr wanted her tested anyway to air on the side of caution.
Hi M.,
My understanding is that the lead test is standard between 9 months and a year. My daughter recently had the test and I had to go to a lab for it. It was just a finger prick. Probably your peds office is not set up to draw blood in their office, whereas your sisters is. Don't worry about the test. My daughter cries every time she has shots and she barely batted an eyelash when they pricked her finger. Best wishes. J.
hi, I live in 21001 harford county.i feel that my son should have been tested b/c of the zip code, but he wasnt plus i did not know much about it then. the doctors should test all children in my opinion, b/c your house might be safe but does your child always stay at your house? no!! my son is 6yrs old now with lead poisioning. he suffers from developemental disabilities, intellectual disabilities. pretty much he really dosent talk on his own,still in pull-ups,has adhd.well he is pretty scattered.never assume always test. if the doc says its not necessary say yes it is! he is a sweet boy,but my heart is broken everyday(what could have been). now i am having trouble with my lawyers they are horrible. he is going to need money for his future.if your kids are afraid of shots for their health they will have to suck it up,b/c their are treatments if caught early.
It is not uncommon for many peds to send their patients for bloodwork at the lab. My daughter was also sent for lead counts at the lab. It is a standard procedure when they are a uear old regardless of how old the house is that you live in. Hope this helps.
its normal it may just be the way your doctors office works that is making it so your daughter has to go to get it done and its not just done at the office my son has been tested and we live in a new home too its just procedure jsut in case she was exposed in places other than home like a grandparents house or babysitter s home daycare wherever she may be
My pediatrian didn't request the testing of lead paint but at 12 months my daughter had her blood drawn. it was a horable experiance. she freaked out more because of the rubber band(turnakit) more than the needle. My house is over 100 years old, but also some other places your daughter may visit may have lead paint. I would just get it done to be safe. My daughter is now 3 years old and has never had her blood drawn since then. I hope everything works out for you.
The area you live in (new house or old) probably has old lead pipes in the sewage system somewhere. The state has documented zip codes where lead pipes exhist and children are to be tested for it because lead has the worst effect on them. No matter where you live it's not a bad idea to have a filter for the water when you're drinking. The test is no big deal she'll cry for a minute and then forget it ever happened a few hours later. Better safe than sorry when it comes to your kids right?
I live in DE, but my kids go to the doctor in MD. I have a 5 year old daughter and a 4 year old son. They both had to get bloodwork done to test for lead levels. Its a school requirement for MD and DE school, as far as i know. Its heart wrenching to take them to get it done, but in my case...i had no choice.
My house is only a little over 2 years old and my children have always been home with me, up until my daughter started school this year and I felt it was unnecessary as well.
Its not uncommon for them to send them to get bloodwork done, that I know of. I've never heard of them testing lead levels by a prick of the finger. I just took my son this past Monday to get his done so he can start school this coming year and they had to make sure that got enough from him to test it. He got hisself worked up (kicking around and all) and they had a bit of a time getting it from him. So good luck! The younger the easier it is. Hope that helps
Hi there. This is quite normal to have tested. YOU can choose not to take her if you are that comfortable that she has never been exposed or is currently.
Yes, we had to do that too and we live in a new house in the woods pretty much. They told me the zip code thing too. We already had it done and it actually went pretty well. I hadn't heard of doing it by pricking your finger or I may of asked just to save her from the "trauma". I don't know why they have to do it that way either?? I had to have blood drawn the same day (pregnant) and my daughter sat on my lap while I read her a book I got from in the waiting room and she watched them do it to me and saw "I didn't care" and she said Mmmmm. Which meant she was asking me what they were doing and I said, "Oh the lady is getting blood" and kept reading and I said when she was done..."oh thank you lady" and then it was her turn and she surprisingly sat there; kind of cried a little because it may of hurt HER. then after the needle was taken out she said, "tank you lady". It was funny. I didn't need to say all that but I imagine you just have to do it like shots. Maybe ask the doctor about the prick thing just in case you could do it that way but prob. not or why wouldnt they do that in the first place?? Good Luck
Both of my older children had their blood tested for Lead at a lab. It is a routine check at a well baby visit at one and two years old. It wasn't the most pleasant day of their life but not the worst either. Lead testing of children is something the government does to identify and help children with higher lead levels. (kinda like their shot initiative years ago that continues today). They identify children with exposure, provide early intervention (because lead damages the brain and ability to learn), and they will clean up a home with lead contamination. You may disagree with it and you may believe it isnt necessary but the consequences of high lead (even medium level)exposure is devastating for children. Why take the chance, regardless how remote it may be? Your daughter will never remember the test but it could save her life. It is worth it. Just remember that your home isnt the only place she may be exposed.
Maybe you could discuss with her doctor the finger-prick test. That would have been wonderful for my 12 and 3 year olds but I didnt know it existed.
Good luck to you and Carleigh.
A. (mom of 3)
Hi M.! I have a 17 mo. old son & I've never had blood work done on him. The Dr. recommend the finger prick that you mentioned, but I decided not to do it (I can't remember off the top of my head why they requested that, but I know when I was doing my research I thought it was ridiculous. I'm not going to put my son through pain if it's not completely necessary). If your gut ever tells you something is not right, go with it!! Don't ever doubt your "mother's intuition" Quick story - about 2 weeks before my sons 1 year check up my gut was telling me something wasn't right...that I needed to do some research before his next appointment. It was an overwhelming feeling of panic & I had NO IDEA why. I called his Dr., ask for copies of all his shots to date & actually his whole file. I did research on the shots that were "required" at 1 year, read through everything in his file & found out that the nurse at his last visit gave him a shot that I had decline several times before. She not only gave him the shot, she did it without my knowledge or consent. Very disconcerting!!! Just always go with your gut! Good luck!! G.
Thank the state and the county health dept for that. It is to make sure that the kids are not exposed to lead in any way. My daughter didn't have to have it when we moved here because she had grown up in a house without lead paint. A lot of the houses in certain zipcodes are older or restored and may have lead paint that was painted over and it is to make sure that your daughter hasn't been exposed to lead. They have to have that screening to get in school also.
All of my kids had to have this done. In my peds office and most people I know it is a standard test done. It really is better to be safe than sorry. It's just a little prick doesn't hurt much at all. My youngest didn't even fuss about it. Your doctors office might not do testing in house as I have heard some don't. That might be why they sent you to the lab.
My daughter was never checked for lead because her doctor didn't feel it was necessary due to the age of the house we live in. Hope that helps!
Hi, M..
That is a normal test that all the babies have to get done. I have other friends who have babies also had to get test done who all live in different areas. And it's not just for lead paint, and some areas could have lead contaminated water and that is why they are asking for the test to be done.
It sure was not good to watch your baby getting her blood taken out when I held her while the nurse took the blood out of her finger, but it's something that has to be done for your baby.
Everything will be fine.
M., my 5 year old had lead poisoning as a toddler, and we lived in a fairly new apartment complex, and the only other place she went was to Grandma's, which was a brand new home. My husband was a painter, and when we found out (to our horror), that his boss was having him sand and grind houses (as prep for a new paint job)that had led in the paint, we were astonished! Of course, the company was shut down, and the other employees and their families were tested and treated for elevated led levels, but I am sure glad that the routine 12 month check up did a led test, or the led poisoning would have gone on undiagnosed, as their are no symptoms whatsoever with led posoning. (My daughter's led levels dropped very quickly over the weeks following her diagnosis, and she did not need kilation or any other treatments. She is perfectly healthy, with no long term side effects from the poisoning.)
Anyway, to answer your question, my 18 month old was just tested for led, and we also had to go to a Quest Diagnostics Center for the blood test, rather than just doing it at the doctor's office. When I asked the nurse why this was, she told me that it was an insurance thing. The nurses at Quest are amazing at drawing blood in small children (at least from my experiences), since they do it all day long. The nurse distracted her with toys while she drew the blood, and my daughter Leila didn't even notice until the nurse was putting the band-aid on. And since my older daughter had to be tested bi-weekly for a long time during her poisoning, I know what it is like to have a nurse (whose not used to drawing blood in very small children) try to draw blood, and mess up, and it is abesolutely heartbreaking, so I am actually very glad that they sent me to the Quest Diagnostics Center for her blood test. Is that where they told you to go?