Legitimate Work at Home Computer Jobs

Updated on September 06, 2010
A.S. asks from Dickson, TN
4 answers

Does anyone know of any ACTUAL legitimate ways to work at home on your computer? I am not interested in surveys, mystery shopping, ad clicking and the like. I need a way to make some extra cash for Christmas without having to pay someone else to babysit while I work. Any ideas?

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answers from Dallas on

Most are not legit or are MLM recruiting tactics, etc.

Don't count on making much $$ on surveys, etc. It sounds great but you know the deal....if it sounds too goo to be true.

Can you work a part time retail while your husband is home? Babysit for others?



answers from Dallas on

My company has a great promo going this month to help people make extra money. You also save money on your everyday products. I have webcasts that give you an overview which are only 45 minutes.



answers from Kansas City on

you arent going to find much that is legitimate. The best are when you already work for a company and they let you telecommute, which my husband does sometimes.



answers from Fresno on

Medical transcription comes to mind, but you need at least a little training and the basics to start.

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