After reading your response, it's pretty clear that you are stressed out. We all have our moments, but with all due respect, I don't think that anyone called you crazy, or told you that you are sick. Yes, you asked "how long", and you got diverse responses (which is what happens on a discussion board). Some of those responses were from moms who have the opinion that any amount of time is too long. That's your answer. We took time out of our day to answer your question to help you, and I think it's pretty foul of you to name call and punish moms for doing that. If you didn't want all responses, then maybe you should have considered specifying that since you think it's fair to "go off" on people for giving you an answer to the question you asked. You did not tell anyone in your original question that you were letting him cry for any certain amount of time, so no one told you that you were sick for letting your child cry for "fifteen minutes". Obviously you feel pretty guilty about the way your handling your child, because the accusations your fighting are not accusations you got here. They must have come from your conscience. No one here said that you were "cruel" for how you choose to parent your child. Take your guilt issues up with yourself next time.
Who is to say what's "right" or "wrong". I get so many opinions, and read so much conflicting research. It's just up to us as moms to do what feels right, after educating ourselves on the different views and suggestions. I go with the flow. There's no routine, other than my daughter USUALLY sleeps through the night, and I USUALLY do not feed her if she wakes up after 1am, because I don't want her getting in the habit of waking up in the middle of the night to eat. Also, because I don't want her to associate food too strongly with comfort, due to some childhood obesity literature that I read. Also, if she wants to sleep in my bed with me, I let her. Some nights she insists, and some nights she's content in her own crib. I am not an advocate of "cry it out". It just feels so wrong to me, and anything that feels that wrong, cannot be right in my book. I know some people say you shouldn't get your baby in the habit of being rocked to sleep, but I always rock mine to sleep and like I said, she USUALLY sleeps through the night.