I guess all kids do this. LOL. But my husband and I solved it with those markers, paint, and I think they have rayons by Crayola that only mark on that certain paper. They are great! Well good luck.
OK- this is more of a vent than a question. We have a little 1 1/2 year old Picasso on our hands. We try to keep all pens, crayons, markers, pencils, etc. out of reach. But if we happen to forget one, my little boy finds it and scribbles on the wall. He even figured out that a blue part to his train set makes pretty blue marks when he bangs it on the wall. LOL. I know this is just a phase, but I am so frustrated!
I guess all kids do this. LOL. But my husband and I solved it with those markers, paint, and I think they have rayons by Crayola that only mark on that certain paper. They are great! Well good luck.
I know how you feel :) On the morning of my birthday a couple months ago, I woke up to find out the hard way that I needed to be keeping writing utensils (especially Sharpie's!) away from my daughter! She had found a black Sharpie & marked a good bit on our carpet, walls, baby gate, fish tank, & doors in the house we were renting!! I guess that was supposed to be my birthday present! hahaha
The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser worked pretty well on the walls, doors, & fish tank. For the carpet, I spent $20 in more carpet cleaning stain removers, but none of them worked well on their own. I pretty much kept using each one several times until it was mostly gone. But recently when we moved out, I discovered an old Gatorade stain (red!) in our bedroom. Again I tried all my stain removers, but none worked. I finally found that the best method was to mix Dawn dish soap with some water, pour it on the stain, heat the iron, lay a damp towel or rag over the stain, and iron it out! MAGIC!! :) I went back and tried that with what was left of the Sharpie stain and it seemed to take the rest off. Wish I had tried that back then... haha
I guess kids force you to learn new things! haha :)
Hi J.~
Have you tried Color Wonders by Crayola? My little girl & recently 15 mo old Twins love these! & they have a paint set that you can hang large sheets of paper on the wall & it will only paint on the paper.
Maybe he could "learn" that he is only allowed to paint on this paper or in the books...? I know easier said than done. We still battle over where to & not to paint and color (markers & crayons)!!!!
Best wishes..hope this helps some.
Look on the bright side. You can start shopping for paint colors!! This phase will pass...
Go on and vent honey! I've had to repaint the kitchen walls due to my Picasso's. Been there, done that. LOL!
I was reading your blurb about Dillion, my daughter Emilee has breath holding spells and if she falls or gets hit in the head she'll hold it till she passes out. A few seconds later she's fine, but I can always associate it within three to four weeks of a tropical storm or hurricane. She's been doing this since she was 18 months old.
I know it's frustrating, but you have a creative child on your hands. I had to deal w/ drawings on the walls, marble fireplace (there was a whole family drawn there), etc. I never had a problem from any of the other children I had. 1 out of 5 isn't bad odds. Keep a close eye on him. This child of mine was constantly looking for something to do. At the age of 3 she walked out of the house to go exploring on our 4 acres of land in the woods. She is now 8 and uses up all my computer paper she can find. She is always doing "crafts". . . making kitty boxes, dollhouses, etc. Any box is a creative tool. She has a brilliant mind and I'm still trying to find ways to help her with this. Be cautious to protect your child from trouble, but enjoy and cultivate his creativity.
I know this probably does not help and you can't do it in every room of the house, but they do sell this stick on paper at paint stores that is made specifically for kids that are artists at heart and think the walls as their canvas. It's easy to get on and it's easy to get off, I had to do it with my little one and it has saved me money on Magic Erasers and paint jobs!
FYI - The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser sponge will wipe it right off. Maybe that will help a little.
I have discovered magic eraser works on everything but pencil.
If you have a little money, I would make a room where he could do art. If you are like me and poor, then make a space where he could do art, or try craft activities appropriate to his age level.