if you can't find someone to do it, you can tell them you want to save the hair and what for. go in with 2 bands, and have them tie it right below where they're going to cut, braid it, then tie the end (it's the only way locks for love will take it and then you have to seal it in something like a zip-lock bag). you can send it in yourself, and not worry about them doing it.
every 2-3 yrs for the past (almost) 10 yrs i chop off all my hair (10-20 inches) and i make sure i go and have them tie it, i braid it and tie it at the end and i now have 3 long braids in a ziplock bag. my next cut is this summer, and i think this is the year that i'm going to send it in to them. i personally wanted to make sure that i had enough hair for a nice wig (being that i have thinner hair). it's really a great thing for her to do. and surprisingly, even after keeping it that long, as long as the bag is sealed tight, like mine, it still smells like the shampoo/conditioner that you last used on it before cutting it (and it still feels silky smooth like it was still attached to my head) go to the website, see the steps to do. good luck, and good job!