hello M. i dont know about Kellar but we attend pathway of life off 635 and military and their youth program is awesome pastor danny wegman
We have been attending the same church for the last 3 years. My daughter won't go to the youth because she says she "doesn't fit in". Sadly enough, I have heard this from other kids about our church. She's almost 16. My son is 13 -- 8th grade. I would like to find a 'smaller' church but one with a good welcoming, open, active youth group. Plus, I'd like to find one that my husband and I could get more involved in. Our current church is SO big, even after 3 years, we barely know anyone. I've tried to get more involved, but that's hard to -- I went to a women's luncheon and there were probably 300+ people there. Hard to get to know others with that many people.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
hello M. i dont know about Kellar but we attend pathway of life off 635 and military and their youth program is awesome pastor danny wegman
We're very happy with our church which is Light of the World Lutheran. We recently had a tea and there were probably 40-50 people there, for example. Big enough but not too big. It was a fun time and they have a lot of youth activities.
I go to Church for You on 377, in Watauga. It's a small church (fairly new) but very welcoming, very active with doing things in the community like working with battered women's shelters, homeless shelters, and teaming up with other churches to do events, and just a nice place. I personally knew the pastor from Bible School years ago, but was nervous about taking my husband who previously hated church...but his life has changed, he does enjoy this church, and is involved and growing spiritually, so I'm excited! I live in Keller (Heritage Trace) and it's only about 5-8 minutes from our house. If you'd like information, message me and I'll answer any questions you may have.
What religion are you so I could recommend a church
I understand your challenge!! I've found it to be so hard to find a church that fits everyone's needs. If I like it, my hubby doesn't; if we both like it, we had a problem with the children's program. But, we are now attending Bear Creek Bible Church. We've visited there on and off over the last couple years while we tried to find a home church. I've always liked it, but hubby was looking for something else. He's finally come around and we're going to attend the new members orientation this month. It's a small church right on the keller/NRH border. Our kids are very young, so I don't know how the teen program is. The music program is very sparse, but it is enjoyable. The congregation has been very welcoming - we really enjoy it. Their website is www.bcbc.org if you're interested. Good luck in your search!
I agree with Abbi R. Fellowship of The Parks is great. We have been visiting for about 6 weeks and my kids love it. My oldest just got back from summer camp and had a blast. The people are friendly and laid back. Our previous church was Fellowship Church Grapevine with Ed Young Jr. A very large church and we had the same trouble as you with the size. You would really like Fellowship of The Parks. It is a great place. I hope this helps.
I live in Dallas, but my best friend from childhood has a nephew who is the pastor of Milestone Church in Keller. She speaks so highly of her nephew as a pastor and of the church as well. You can Google the church name and find their website. I don't know about its size, though - it may be bigger than what you're looking for. Good luck to you!
We have a very active youth ministry at our church. We're mid-sized (500 - 1000 people or so) but our services are broken down so they feel smaller and we offer extensive lifegroup (small study/worship) opportunities that help you get involved.
Fellowship of the Parks
If you want to try us out let me know, we'd be happy to meet you before service and introduce you around.