VA Women's Center. I see Dr. Monica Powers over at Memorial Regional (Mechanicsville) but they have offices at Henrico Doctors and possibly some other places. I have literally seen every Dr. in the MR office and they are AWESOME! They also have one of the best perinatologists in the state (Dr. Love - great guy, funny and SMART!) which you may want to see once or twice due to your age. ###-###-####
My other advice is to get on WebMD and check out their boards. I know they have one for pregnancy over 40 (it may be PG over 35 but you get the point). There will be a bunch of supportive women who are in the same place as you. I went on there to find support while PG with my 2nd. Since I lost my 1st I was a wreck and these women were a lifeline!
As hard as it may be given that this was unexpected and you are nervous, etc. - TRY to enjoy your pregnancy. Slow down and cherish that life inside of you. GOOD LUCK!