Brandy, we used Little Tesoros for our daughter's physical and occupational therapy. They have a facility off of 183 and Burnet. However, they also have therapists who may be able to come to your home. You will need to talk with them and discuss what your son needs. Here is the website: www.littletesoros.com.
The group of men and women who work here are AMAZING. They are professional, compassionate, and passionate about working with children and their families. What I most appreciated was they LISTENED, and they answered all our questions (we had a lot); even better, when they did not have an answer, they referred us to wonderful people who did.
I have not been in your exact situation, but I do have words of encouragement. You are doing everything you know to do and are asking questions and seeking answers. Hang in there. We have a very good friend whose son was similar to what you describe, and, with the assistance of doctors, teachers, therapists, and family, the son is doing very well now. So, I guess I am saying, "You will make it through this. Your son and your family will make it through this tough time."
Give yourself a break. I am assuming you have never been in this position before, did not plan for it or expect it, and, certainly would not have chosen this for your son or anyone you love. Bottom line, you love your son and will do what you need to do for him. I truly believe most of your anxiety and worry is because you do not know what is happening with your son, and you see him struggling and do not know how -- at this point-- to help him. But, you will soon. Understanding, experience and knowledge will provide you with reassurance and confidence. You already have the most necessary requirement to help your son -- your love for him.
Good luck.