Both of my children, now 6 and 5, suffered from milk allergy. Both were put on Pregestimil by Dr. Houck (in C.) a pediatric gastrointernologist (sp?). When my oldest turned 1 we took him to the allergist to see if he had outgrown the milk allergy and they did a blood test which showed he had. Same went for my daughter when she turned 1.
Their symptoms were not just the reflux, but projectile vomiting after every bottle and blood in their stools. There were so sensitive to the allergy at the time, breast milk contained it as well. Because of all this both had low weight percentages for their ages. I am happy to report after we made it through that first year, I have healthy, active children who are able to drink milk every day w/their breakfast. My son has had different food allergies over the years (strawberries, red dye in baby tylenol, can't remember all) but we always kept benedryl on hand even in the diaper bag in case of emergency. He would break out in hives w/other food allergies. He outgrew all these by about 4 yrs.