Hi A.,
I am part of the committee for the Roseville/Rocklin Moms Meetup found at meetups.com. Our group is still in the beginning stages but we are developing events for our families with children of all ages. We have a yearly dues of $10 a year to help cover the cost of the meetup website fees, craft and refreshment supplies, and hopefully members only activites. I know we have several moms who live in the West Roseville Area that might be perfect for play dates.
Currently we are in the works for creating a calander to include:
play dates at parks
Indoor play dates/ story time/ crafts (with refreshments)in a private hall
Roller skating/ Ice skating events
Swimming event
Play place events (Pump it up, U Bounce)
Adult only events (lunch/ dinner, movies, scrapbooking, etc)
Pot Lucks
Library Story Time
Anyway come and check us out!