Creative Dance Center is an amazing place! There are classes from parent/infant all the way up through adult with everything in between. Anne Gilbert who runs it (in it's 30th year) is a world reknowned movement educator and developer of the "Brain Dance"-also author to many great books. She trains all the teachers there and I would highly recommend it. There are lots of boys in most of the classes (my daughter is in a class for 2nd and 3rd graders and there are 8 boys in her class). There's also a professional dance company made of of children who are incredible-their annual "Gift of Dance Concert" is coming up on Sun, Dec. 6th, 3 pm at the Shorewood High School theater. This concert features the choreography of the kids themselves and it's quite impressive, inspiring and a great place for kids to get to see live dance.
As you can see I can't say enough great things about Creative Dance Center and it's not too far from you-in the Haller Lake Community Center on 125th & Densmore. Here's their website Good luck!