Looking for Doctors

Updated on April 08, 2008
N.H. asks from Spring Hill, FL
5 answers

I am moving to Spring Hill in a couple of weeks and need to get set up with general practice MD, OBGyn, and a pediatrician. I would love any suggestions. I prefer women pediatricians and friendly office staff. Thanks, N.

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answers from Tampa on

Hi N.,

Hope your move goes smooth. I've lived in Spring Hill for 4 years and really like the area. I have a 4 yr. old and a 7 yr. old. When I moved here, I felt like I lost all of my friends as they lived over an hour away. I quickly got involved with a Mom's Day out program - best thing I could have done. This allowed me to meet a variety of other moms. The MDO program is at Northcliffe Baptist Church on Northcliffe Blvd. You do not have to be a member of this church to participate, in fact the majority of moms are from other church's or do not attend church. We are getting ready to break for the Summer, but I encourage you to talk to Jerri Trammel who is in charge of the program at Northcliffe. This is usually the only 3 hours out of an entire week that I get to myself!!

Regarding Doctors - No advice on a primary MD, but for a Ob/Gyn I love N. Leibensperger. Her practice is My Gynecologist ###-###-####. For a pediatrician, after 2 year's of irritations I found Cyril Wong & Jennnifer Ward ###-###-####. LOVE THEM! Hope all goes well with your move. Email me anytime.



answers from Tampa on


Pediatricians I recommend Dr. Ramappa Office they have several males and females pediatricians ###-###-####. Ask for Janet she is part of the staff she is wonderful. OBGYN Michelle at Dr. Shakiff's office wonderful ###-###-####. He is also great!!! They are both on Mariner.



answers from Tampa on

Dr Carmen Nan is a good doctor I have heard. She is on Northcliffe & her number is ###-###-####. I have not gone to her yet but my mother in law does & says shes great. I also believe she does gyn but not sure about ob. On Mariner Blvd just after the funeral there is a big pediatricians office on the right side, I believe its called babies & beyond, that a friend of mine takes her kids to & loves her. I dont have a need for a peditrician as my kids are older. I got a book from Oak Hill Hospital that has all kinds of numbers of doctors in Spring Hill & Brooksville. Let me know if theres anything elsse you need & Ill help if I can. Welcome to "The Hill".



answers from Tampa on

I just moved up here just over 2 years ago and lost touch with all my friends south of here as they are over an hour away. My son was born in July 2006. In this area I would highly recommend for gyn/ob: Dr N. Leibensperger ###-###-####)(Practice is called My Gynecologist) is located in the building next to Springhill Hospital on Quality Drive. She is building a new office on Countyline Road to be opening soon. I changed to her practice over a year ago because of complications that I was having. My other doctor couldn't solve my problem and Dr Leibensperger figured it out quickly. I have been fine since. I have had a long history with gyn/ob problems. Her staff is very friendly and treat you in a comfortable atmosphere. I have had a lot of gyn/ob doctors in the area and wish I would of found her sooner.
My son was born prematurely and his pediatrician's office is south of here approximately a half hour. Unfortunately, they are planning to move further south soon which makes the ride a lot longer. I am not sure what I am going to do.
I don't have a primary physician up in this area yet and will be looking for one.
Welcome to the area! This area has all sorts of playdates for the kids and library book readings. Please email me if you have further questions. Good luck with your move!



answers from Tampa on


Welcome to the Spring Hill area!!! I'm not sure what kind of Doctors you like, but I thought that since I have lived in the area for almost 30 years now that I could give you some names and you can check them out. I moved away once for about 2 years and I didn’t know anyone. I didn’t even know where to begin on the doctor search. Here’s some names that I have found from either personal experiences or from friends/family.

General Practice:
Dr. P. Malhotra ###-###-####

******I have seen her for several years now. She’s really great and very caring. Also she specializes in women and pediatrics. So your children could also see her.

I hear these are pretty good Doctors, but I have never personally seen them:

Dr. John Batista ###-###-####
Dr. Lisa Khalil ###-###-####


Dr. Philip Watterson ###-###-####
*** I have him as my Dr and he’s great. He’s the only Doctor in the office and the staff is AWESOME!!!

Advanced Women’s Health Center:
***My sister sees a Dr. Michelle Hale and she really likes her if you prefer a women OB/GYN ###-###-####


Dr. Rizwan Qureshi ###-###-####
**** I have just recently switched to him. I had a lot of problems with my other Pediatrician and staff (mostly staff). I see you would prefer a women pediatrician he does have a Nurse Practitioner in his office that is a female and she’s awesome. I like this office because they can always get you in, the one on one is GREAT and whenever you have a question or problem the Doctor ALWAYS calls you back personally. You wont find many up this way that do that.

All Pediatric Care: ###-###-####
I hear a lot of good things about this office. I checked it out for myself and they are great, but I don’t like seeing all kinds of doctors. They have 3+ Doctors in their office and I wanted a more personal Doctor.

Babies and Beyond: ###-###-####
I've also hear many good things from this office as well.

Good Luck and if you have any questions please feel free to ask.

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