We are dealing with this with our 7 year-old daughter. I was taken by surprise by her reluctance to read because I have always loved to read. She loves to be read to, and comprehends books way above typical 2nd grade level; we have hundreds of books at home, regularly go to the library, she sees me read all the time, etc., etc. (She LOVES Math BTW and will ask to do math problems for fun. I'm beginning to doubt what I thought I knew about genetics :-)
Her teacher this year has been sending home monthly calendars with a reading minutes goal for the month. We record her reading minutes each day. This doesn't necessarily mean it's easier to convince her to read each day, but she does like to exceed the goal for the month (and she seems motivated to compete against her classmates).
I wish I had the answer for this, but I do believe it is important not to force reading. If she starts to hate to read because I push too hard, we'll have a bigger problem.
(I actually think I will try the payment method that another responder described, that could work for us ;-)