Looking for Legit Work at Home Oppportunity

Updated on September 15, 2008
M.W. asks from Lewisville, TX
11 answers

Hi Moms! I am coming to you because you are always so helpful. My husband lost his job about a month ago and financially we are getting into a bind. He is wanting me to go to work at night after he has worked with a friend during the day. I am uncomfortable with that for several reason, not the least of which is that I am 4 months pregnant and exhausted. Esp. after chasing after a 2 yr old all day and maintaining a household. So, my question is this...does anyone know of a legit work at home option that doesn't require selling preferably and does not require any money upfront. This is the only option I can see as a good compromise between us and help out financially. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!!

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answers from Dallas on

Well, my company is legit, but there is money up front as with most home business'. BUT you can get the majority of it back in less than a month (I got mine back in a week) - it's simple, everyone uses it, and we have many single/couples doing this and making BIG $$$$$...
let me know - my ph# is on the website

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answers from Dallas on

Hi M.,
I have been working from home for almost 4 years and love the flexibility it offers, I have 2 small children and I don't have to leave home to work from home, no financial investment either,
You can request info on my website at www.WorkatHomeUnited.com/jobs or call me at ###-###-#### and I will be happy to get you the information so you can decide if this is a good fit for your family.
You may want to also look through the local business reviews and read what some of the moms I have helped are saying about our Work at Home United team :)

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Dallas on

Check out my website:www.discoverlimu.com/jcarden
This is a great health product and a great business that pays weekly and monthly. You don't sell, you drink,share the benefits with others and teach them to do the same. Check out the website and let me know if you have any questions.



answers from Dallas on

Check out PTILIVE.COM you will be impressed and it is a great company. The products will help your whole family (even the baby) and you make $ too. Contact me at ____@____.com if you are interested in learning more after the video.



answers from Dallas on


I understand how you may feel that way. I did too. The good news is, and why you may want to take a look at LHN is - we do not "sell" rather we just let people know what we have and they decide if it is for them or not.

M. how would you feel about just sharing the information about what we have with interested people and knowing that it could change the course of their life?

It's like telling your friend about a new thing you have discovered and really liked and wanting them to know about it too. Don't we all do that every day all the time M.?

What we do M., is to be like a consultant, sharing information that can possibly help someone to change their life and letting them know that the decision is their own to make. We are just here to aid and assist them in whatever way we can.

Have a blessed day!

Too many time women are not given the opportunity and tools needed.JUMP IN LETS BE THE CHANGE!



answers from Dallas on

I hate to tell you, but I've been looking for the same thing, and I haven't found it. I can't get a straight answer about what exactly the company does, and the websites don't help. I hope you have better luck than I have!

I've decided to start selling Wild Tree (all natural recipes & seasonings), even though I didn't want to take time away from my family to do parties. My neighbor got me into it, adn I am excited about it b/c I love the product! I would still like to find something that doesn't require selling, that is legit, but I don't think it actually exists.



answers from Dallas on

Hello. Good News! There are Legit Work at Home opourtunities that DO NOT require selling. I work at home for United Healthcare. I have done so for numerous years. There is no "fee" for this. They provide all materials/supplies needed (from the computer/phone/phone line, right down to the lead in your pencil). You get Paid Time Off, benefits, etc. It's a real job - you just do it from home.

United Healthcare hires strictly online, so you have to check the website often as it is constantly updated. Oh, and one more thing, if you decide to apply for anything please send me a message with your posting number and I will see if I can refer you.

Here is the link to their job posting site: http://www.unitedhealthgroup.com/careers/search/search_re...

Also, I have never used this service, but I have heard that it is 100% legit (on news and daytime talk shows):

This company links up employees with companies that need work at home customer service representatives. You set your schedule and log into and out of the phone when you are ready to work.

Then, here is a link to a write up USA Today on legit work at home opportunities http://www.usatoday.com/tech/columnist/kimkomando/2007-08...

I know how frustrating it is. I tried for years to find work at home and had just decided that legit opportunities didn't exist! BUT they DO! And if that is what you want - don't give up.

I hope this list has been helpful!

Note: I also work from home doing Home Jewelry parties - and I DO LOVE that. I do that because 1. It's a faith based business 2. Girl Time 3. LOVE jewelry :) That link is http://www.faithfuljewels.com



answers from Dallas on

Not many of those exist....

Try www.wahm.com .

American Airlines has home rep jobs from time to him and Hilton also.



answers from Dallas on

Hi M.,

You have to take a look at what interests you and excites you. If it's not something that you can be passionate about, while benefiting your family and those you care about, then keep looking! Make sure that there is a proven system in place where YOU can be successful and leadership that can help YOU reach your financial goals. Otherwise, you're on your own.

Check out www.TaylorYourSuccess.com and click on Presentations, then WebMeetings in the upper left corner. Then click on the speaker next to the Wealth Webinar.

You'll learn everything you need to know about a solid, Christian based company that is making a difference in the lives of ordinary people like you and me. Do you know another company that donated over $1 Million in products to Hurricane Katrina victims? I sure didn't! They also contribute to WorldVision, to help provide food, clothing, etc. for more than 500 children on a monthly basis.

Take the time to do your research and pray about it with your family. That's what I did! Good luck and God Bless!!!

Best regards,



answers from Dallas on

Hello, I am a Pampered Chef Consultant and would like to invite you to join our crew! You can work as little or as much as you like, on your schedule, at your own pace. Online training really gives you all the tools you need. There are also conference calls that you can listen to on your own time. Between those and cluster meeting sand the support of your cluster and director, you can go as far as you want too! For 155.00 you get products to get you started, recipes using the products you get, order forms, a calendar, a business guide, catalogs, your computer program, and so much more. If you would like to host a party, we can use a credit against your starter kit and announce your decision to all your guests. From there, anyone who wants to book a show, would be a hostess for you, as a consultant. If you are at all interested, please call me at ###-###-#### and take a look at my website for more detials: www.pamperedchef.biz/neelyskitchen.

Please let me know when would be a good time to follow up with you! I look forward to hearing from you and giving you more information and answering any questions you may have. This has given me an opportunity to get out of the house, be more comfortable in the kitchen, meet people, and earn a paycheck in the meantime!

K. Neely



answers from Dallas on


I am a married mom of 2 little ones under 4. I have 2 businesses---1 store-front boutique in North Dallas and the other is an online travel business. I have to tell you---the 2nd one was only a $500 investment and its paying the bills for the 1st that was way too much to mention. I get a check every Monday doing what my family/friends were already doing---traveling. I have an incredible suppport system of other entrepreneurial mothers who are maintaining a "Plan B" in case of any unexpected events. We are all smart. serious. and believe in being financially free. We all want the freedom to spend time with our children and spouses, the freedom to take our businesses as far as we can go, and the freedom to vacation on a whim. We are a unique group of business owners, spreading the word of creating wealth from the comforts of our home. If you want to hear more about it, you can email me directly at ____@____.com
All the best with whatever you decide!

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