Several places we have used are -
Toys R Us - we used the Forum - you provide the goodie bags, they provide, cake, decorations, craft, help to open presents and then they carry it all to the store and they clean up - the kids loved it!
The Little Gym - we used Thousand Oaks/Jones Maltsburger - they provide activities, decorations, and all the help you need - you provide the cake and goodies - all the kids loved it!
Victory Martial Arts - Blanco and Huebner - they provide the cake and paper goods and a 'class' with a few demos - you provide goodie bags - everyone loved this one, including the parents who were also able to participate.
Other ideas - we haven't tried --
Mr. Gatti's - Thousand Oaks/Jones Maltsberger
Build-A-Bear - North Star Mall or LaCantera
Lifetime Fitness - 281/1604
I don't know if Dynamoz does them - Brookhollow and 281
Then there are the inflate places at Rolling Oaks Mall and on Nacogodoges/O'Connor
Love to Swim - Huebner and Churchhill Estates
Sorry I don't have any prices, but they are either places we used, over the years or places we have thought of. All the places vary you just have to compare prices based on those that provide cakes and paper goods v those that don't. We loved all the places we have used and highly recommend them all. We have an August birthday so having a party inside somewhere is alot easier because of the heat. Good luck!!