Looking for Play Groups in SE Portland.

Updated on February 25, 2010
D.R. asks from Portland, OR
7 answers

I am in SE Portland looking for play groups around the Lents area. My 3 year old is in desperate need of children her own age. She doesn't really dig playing with her little brother these days. Plus, getting them both around more children will only help develop their social skills. We don't have friends with kids so we have been their source of entertainment thus far. I think they are getting bored. Anyway, any info would be really appreciated! Also, if anyone has tips for a good, affordable preschool I would be grateful. Thanks!

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answers from Portland on

Have you ever looked at Neighborhood Notes or Urban Mamas websites for fun things and play groups? Here are the links





answers from Portland on

I am an organizer for a mom's group and we have lots of SE meetups. You can visit meetups.com and our group is called Portland Metro Mama's.



answers from Portland on

Have you heard of ALbina Head Start, They take child 3 & 4 yrs old and it doesn't cost anything if you are a low income. Regular head start also. I took my son to Gethseman lutheran church preschool but that was only 3 days a week. It wasn't that much. I hope this help. Do you ever go to the Lents park, or have you tried maybe the Mt Scott COmmunity center. Good luck




answers from Portland on

There is an Indoor Park at a church I used to go to off of SE 20th and Salmon, in the Hawthorne area. It is Hinson Church, and I think they still have a playgroup. You can check out their webpage at: www.hinsonchurch.com. Good luck!



answers from Portland on

hi my name is S. and i have a three year old. i live between holgate and gleason . my step daughter needs to socalize too. her mom took her out of school because we can't afored it at the moment. i would love to get together with you oh i am only 20 years old hope thats not a problum. my daughers name is vivien and she would love to set up a play date.



answers from Portland on


I am some what new to the Portland area and do not have many friends and have four kids.I have only been here Two years and its hard to meet other people when we have little ones due to constant attention to them and the lack of getting away anyways, The older ones go to school then I have a little girl who will be three in march, and a boy who will be two in june. I believe Im in your area I live around 82 and Duke area. It would be a great opportunity to maybe get the kids together as well as me getting to know others in the Portland area. Can can contact me at ____@____.com if you are interested. I hopeI can be of some help to you. Take care.

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